2019 Mid-Year Reading Stats Update

July 15, 2019

Half the year has flown by, and that means it’s time for a stats update! I did one of these last summer, which you can see here, and it was really fun (and enlightening!) so I decided to duplicate it this year.



compared to last year…

Books read so far: 195
(Last year: 311 — I’m on track to up my record again!)
Pages read: 44,275
(Last year: 91,536 — looking like these numbers will be pretty similar.)
Re-reads: 15
(By this time last year, I’d re-read 10 books.)
ARCs: 76
(This time last year, I’d read just under 50 ARCs, so I’m definitely reading more of those this year!)
Average rating: 4.2
(Last year’s average was 4.1, so there’s not much of a difference here this year, which actually surprises me, because I’m DNFing way more books this year than I did last year, and those aren’t included in these stats.)

haul breakdown…

Total hauled so far: 382 (YIKES)
(This time last year, I’d hauled 268. WTF is with the extra hauls?!)
Review copies: 188 print + 55 digital
(This time last year: 58 total — whoa!)
Purchases: 30 print + 19 digital
(This time last year: 159 total — I’m actually incredibly proud of how much this number has dropped!)
Gifts & freebies: 16 print + 18 digital
(This time last year, I didn’t list kindle freebies, but did mention having received 20 gifts/prizes. I think my kindle freebie number is probably higher this year than last year.)
Library loans (including KU & Scribd): 50 print + 6 digital
(I didn’t include library loans in last year’s post, but I know it was almost nonexistent.)

reading breakdown…


(Big thank you to Kaleena’s spreadsheet for making this part so easy on me!)

As you can see, I’ve mostly read fantasy this year, with horror and contemporary coming in close at 2nd and 3rd place. This time last year, my fantasy reading was at 38.5%, with contemporary the secondary at 27.4%. Horror was only at 8.1% this time last year, so as you can see, I’ve definitely gotten back into my spooky groove~ over the last year!
I knew I’d read a lot of eARCs this year, but I didn’t think the number would be so high! I also wouldn’t have guessed that 27% of my reading this year has been GNs/manga. This time last year, I didn’t split ARCs into formats, but it was 34.1% total (46% combined between eARCs and print so far this year, so it’s gone up), but my graphic novel count was only 4.4% and my hardcover and paperback were 28.9% and 14.8% respectively. How the times have changed!
Last year, I also had charts for author genders, protagonist genders, book length, and age ranges, but I haven’t kept as in-depth of a log this year as I did last year. I’m planning on keeping more thorough statistics in 2020; if you’d all like to get in on a secret, I’ve actually been working quite a while already on designing my own catch-all spreadsheet for 2020 so that I don’t have all of my logs split between so many poor Google Sheets and Excel docs like I do right now.
I almost released my own 2019 sheets last Christmas, but didn’t get around to finalizing them in time, so I’m very excited to share these with you all later this year!
I thought about also including my progress on reading challenges I set for myself, but I’m gonna be honest, fam: this year has kicked my butt when it comes to TBRs, reading challenges, etc. I know it looks like I’ve read a lot, and I have, don’t get me wrong, but very little of it has followed the plans I had in motion for 2019. I’m not gonna beat myself up over it, but I decided that part of my self-care would be choosing not to make specialized charts showing off just how bad my follow-through has been the last several months. ?

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I cannot wrap my head around the number of books you’ve already read!! Well done!!
      Would be so interested in your log. I definitely want to keep a better log of my books and reading. Xo

    1. I love stats posts like this one! It’s also really interesting to see the differences (and similarities) between this year and last year! I hope you have an even more awesome second half of 2019!

    1. Destiny you are honestly such goals!! Congrats on reading SO much already! And that’s awesome how you managed to significantly increase the amount of book purchases you’ve had! I *had* a book buying ban at the start of the year, but once summer hit, it flew out the window. Haha! Best of luck with completing your goals before the end of year, love! And I cannot wait to see those spreadsheets then! <3

      1. Haha thank you! 😀 I’m just hoping I can stick to the ban for the rest of the year. It’s been nice, not having the guilt associated with those massive hauls I used to have when I was placing bookoutlet orders every month and then crying over my bank balance ???

    1. MAN girl that’s a ton of books read so far this year! I’m in the same boat with reading mostly ARCs this year (my physical TBR books are pissed at me) but I hope to start the new year with NO ARCs and just read books I own. Good luck with the rest of the year 😀

    1. this is AMAZING! i adore your stat posts. they’re so insightful and interesting. and *gasp* a destiny spreadsheet? i love that idea! i feel you on having multiple spreadsheets and them never quite doing 100% what you’d like / need them to but i’m hopeless with excel stuff so i’m just so grateful for people who make free-to-access outlines for everyone

    1. “I know it looks like I’ve read a lot, and I have, don’t get me wrong, but very little of it has followed the plans I had in motion for 2019.”
      Honestly, SAME!! I’m not reading AT ALL like I planned to. I might as well throw my ‘challenges’ out the window at this point.
      Good luck with the rest of your year!

      1. Yessss, same! I even have a page on here to keep up with challenges and it’s just totally fizzled out. Maybe I’ll try again next year, but with just one or two big challenges instead of a bunch of small separate ones!

    1. You are an absolute monster when it comes to reading that is all I can say. Also HOLY MOLY your physical arcs?! Where do you put them?! But also fantastic work getting so many arcs read!

    1. I’m looking forward to seeing your spreadsheets!! Maybe I will release my own as well? I have a giant one that catches all my hauls and read, as well as my backlist, challenges and 2019 published books as well. Plus I have a second one that I use as a calendar to schedule all my blog posts!!

      1. You totally should! I use Google Calendar for my blog posts, but I’ve been considering switching to a spreadsheet because I’m not in love with how non-user-friendly Google Cal can be. ?

    1. I like Sara’s comment, lol – those are some epic numbers! I’m really impressed by your dedication at working through all those reviews copies, especially with so many eARCs.

    1. *cries* I love stats, you just made my day! ????????????
      Also, about the hauls – maybe it’s just a 2019 thing or the fact that I’ve been noticing a lot more sales/deals than years before, but yeah I’ve definitely hauled a lot more books than usual this year! ??

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