It’s finally time to wrap up the last month of 2019! I’ll have a comprehensive 2019 wrap coming soon, but I wanted to take today just to focus on December by itself. It wasn’t a great month for my reading (I finished a handful but most of them were 100pg or less!), but I had a few good ones worth celebrating!
Completed Reads:
✨ = review copy | ? = monthly TBR | ? = reread |
? = graphic novel/manga/comics | ? = poetry | ? = POC rep |
? = LGBTQ+ rep | ? = disability and/or MI rep |
? = audiobook | ? = Kindle Unlimited
In order from 5 stars to 1…
- The Winter Quarters | ?? | ?????
- Behind You | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- The (Alien) Nanny for Christmas | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- Offline | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- Nailbiter, Vol. 1 | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- 10 Blind Dates | ✨ | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- Say Cheese and Die! | ?? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- Dead Meat: Day 3 | ✨ | ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- The Boss Who Stole Christmas | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Secret Santa | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Carcass | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- My Fake Rake | ✨ | ⭐⭐⭐?
- Better Watch Out | ⭐⭐⭐
- Monster Blood | ?? | ⭐⭐?
- No Ivy League | ? | ⭐
- Dine with Me | ✨?
- Taylor Before and After | ✨??
Watched this Month:
- 31 (2016) | ⭐⭐⭐?
- Not bad. I was a little bummed, though, because someone had told me 31 was directly related to the House of 1000 Corpses trilogy, and that’s definitely not the case! But, that’s also not the film’s fault.
- Crawl (2019) | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- I liked this so much more than I expected to! I really thought it would just be kind of a cheesy creature flick, but instead, what I got was a super action-packed thriller that felt like it could actually happen.
Listened to this Month:
- I mostly listened to audiobooks this month, and repeating my favorites of the year — nothing new worth noting.
Played this Month:
- Stardew Valley
- I played this a little in early December, but I think I finally burned myself out on it for a little while, so I took a break for a few weeks. That said, I left off where I was just about to propose to Elliott, so I’m getting ready to dive back in. 😛
- Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season
- I was able to move on to this one just in time for the holidays, ha. I play this one every December and it’s always fun, though I’ve reached the point in the series re-play where I’m ready to take a break and play some of the other games in the franchise. (If you didn’t know, there are several other little time management game series that are connected to this one, like the Sally’s Salon games, Heart’s Medicine, etc… does anyone even care about this? ???)
- Two-Point Hospital
- I played this a little more in December, but still haven’t spent as much time on it as I’d like to have.
My Favorite Posts of the Month:
- 10 holiday TBR & faves titles
- 10 books I can’t wait to try again in 2020
- A Constellation of Roses – review
- Blog schedule changes – announcement
- Get a Life, Chloe Brown – review
- Winter TBR
- 10 most anticipated 2020 releases
- 2020 TBR & resolutions
- #ARCApocalypse TBR
My Favorite Posts from OTHER Bloggers This Month:
I don’t have nearly as many posts to share as I would like to because I totally fell off the blog-hopping wagon in December 🙁
- Nicole @ Read. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.’s review of THE GOD GAME
- Louise @ Foxes and Fairytales’ announcement of the #HappyNewCLEAR readathon
— destiny ♥
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January 6, 2020Hey, short books still count! I definately should read more of thoses.. ahah!
10 blind dates is on my virtually wanna read too – and ooh goosebumps!! I remember seeing them everywhere at my school library! but I actually never read them, ahah ? Maybe I should.
Yay for some stardew! (ironically, that’s what i’m playing on my switch lite right now as i’m reading this- ahah!) two points hospital has also been one i’ve been wanting to play – but I haven’t carved into buying it yet.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 23, 2020Haha I have no idea how much fun Goosebumps would be if they don’t hold the nostalgia factor, but I think it would be worth a try if you like MG horror in general! 😀
Hahah excellent! I’m getting a Switch at the end of next week, I think, and I’m trying to decide if I’m coming off the money to re-purchase SDV so I can play it on there, too. ?? I probably will sooner or later!
January 23, 2020I double bought stardew and breath of the wild so.. ahaha id say yes go for it xD