Another tag! I apologize for straying away from my normal posts and reviews a bit, but this has been one hectic week around my house, and I’ve been taking this desperate need to relax in some small way as an excuse to catch up on these backlogged tags some lovely people have sent my way – like this one, from Iryna!
1. favorite color and do you have a book in that color?
I have three favorite colors: black, purple, and green. I have many black books, a few purple ones (ex.: Seraphina, The Bone Witch) and a few green-but-not-my-favorite-shade-of-green ones (my favorite shade is kelly green, but my green books are mostly ugly shades of green, like Diary of a Haunting).
2. describe yourself in 3 book characters:
Kady Grant (short, snarky, angry, and a computer geek), Cress (optimistic, hopeless romantic, hair that doesn’t behave ever), and Cassian (sarcastic, teasing, never knows when to STFU).
3. hyped books – yay or nay? if yay, what was the most hyped book you ever read? if nay, what was the most hyped book you decided not to read?
Yay. I’m usually an optimist when it comes to books that are popular in my circles. By that, I mean, if a ton of my bookish friends enjoyed it, I’ll check it out. The most hyped book I read was probably ACOTAR, which I loved.
4. recommend one book per season:
Spring: How to Make a Wish. Summer: Royal Bastards. Fall: An Enchantment of Ravens. Winter: A Court of Mist and Fury.
5. name one book that wrecked you emotionally:
I’m gonna name one I never really talk about: A Child Called It. It’s a memoir about severe child abuse and is easily the most painful book I have ever read in my life. I read it as a teen, and to be honest, at the age I was when reading it, I couldn’t really grasp genuine abuse. I had been through some traumas, but nothing like this level of brutality. As an adult, and a mother, there’s no way I could make it through a reread without having a literal breakdown.
6. name a book that you always recommend:
If you’ve been following my blog a while, you already know, but I’m gonna say it anyways… The Only Alien on the Planet.
7. what book would you recommend with tea and cookies?
Fangirl! I don’t know why, but it’s such a cute and fun read, and I just feel like it would pair nicely with tea and cookies.
8. what is your guilty pleasure book?
I don’t really have one. I try not to ever let people make me feel bad about the things I like, no matter how unpopular or silly they may seem. I spent too many years of my life hiding things I loved because of what other people thought of me, and I won’t do it anymore. (Sorry, I know, “it’s not that deep, fam”)
9. favorite dessert and a book that reminds you of that dessert?
One of my favorite desserts is a hot, fudge-y brownie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top! I’m drooling just typing that. The book that first came to mind just now was Cress, because in an AU without war and fighting for their lives, I could totally see Cress and Thorne just being domestic AF, baking desserts together and then vegging out on the couch with big bowls of noms while they catch up on Cress’ favorite reality shows. I’m picturing her head in his lap, Thorne idly playing with her hair with a wistful smile on his face, while she watches television, totally blissed out and relaxed – COME ON, GUYS, don’t tell me you don’t head-canon the shit out of your OTPs, too!
10. are you a procrastinator? if so, what book have you been procrastinating reading?
Yes. Any and all Tolkien books, forever. I read The Silmarillion once as a kid, and I’ve read the first half of The Hobbit six times, but it just never seems to actually happen for me.
I tag everyone! ALL OF YOU! Just ping me back so I can see your answers!
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August 25, 2017Of all Tolkien, I think that The Silmarillion is the most painfully difficult to read. Very dense. I’ve heard The Hobbit is the easiest because it’s the best paced? I’ve only read LotR so I’m not the best on the subject – I put the Silmarillion down as a teen, so props to you for finishing!
August 25, 2017I love this tag and your answers! I’m totally gonna try this one 🙂
Nerd Narration
August 25, 2017Despite following your blog for several months, I didn’t know about your “always” rec book. I just saw it’s FREE on Kindle unlimited on Amazon — so I’ll definitely be checking it out!
August 25, 2017Good answers here! I’ve noticed Fangirl floating around a lot lately and if you say it’s the perfect read for tea and cookies, basically my daily diet, I’m definitely going to look into it! Have a good weekend! 🙂
August 25, 2017We all headcannon the shit out of our OTPS. Dont be ashamed. 🙂
August 25, 2017YESSS SLAY ME WITH YOUR ANSWER TO #8. ugh great post as per usual
August 29, 2017Very fun tag…I might steal it from you this time lol ? If I get time that is…
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
September 4, 2017Please do!
September 4, 2017Thanks! 🙂