Let’s Talk: Reviving an old TBR challenge — pick a November read for me!

October 29, 2019

First of all, huge thanks to Mari for inspiring me to do this! She’s also going to be having people pick a read for her each month, so be sure to pop over to her Twitter and recommend a November read for her! (And follow her, because she’s a lovely human being who produces AMAZING content!)

Some of you might remember the “Unhaul Challenge” I used to do in my monthly TBR. If you don’t remember, it’s where I let people on Twitter and my blog recommend books from my “owned-TBR” shelf on Goodreads and I picked one book per month to force myself to read or unhaul before that month ended.

I’ve wanted to revive that challenge in a way for some time, but have felt way too slumpy until lately. When I saw Mari’s twitter post of a TBR challenge idea she had, it inspired me to finally revive this, but with two big changes:

  • Instead of me picking the book from your suggestions, I’ll randomly choose a few and throw them in a Twitter poll so you all can choose the final result!
  • Instead of only allowing suggestions from my “owned-TBR” shelf, I’m allowing suggestions from my entire “want-to-read” shelf. If an UNOWNED book comes up for the poll, I’ll just make sure I can get it from the library or buy it in time for the challenge!

So, here’s what I need you all to do if you want to help me pick a November read: jump over to my Twitter post about it and suggest one book from my “want-to-read” shelf, which you can find here!

If you’re not on Twitter, feel free to make the suggestion in the comments of this post instead! I’ll be taking recommendations until 11:59 PM EST Wednesday night (the 30th), and then will put up the poll in the replies to the Twitter thread I linked above. That poll will stay open for a few days, so be sure to follow me over there so you don’t miss it!

I’m also going to pick an OPTIONAL theme to request suggestions from each month, and my request for November suggestions is FANTASY titles! You absolutely don’t have to pick a fantasy book, but bonus points if you do!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. This is such a great idea. I think I might do this at some point too

    1. i love this idea! hopefully i’ll catch your tweet in time next time but i voted for deep & darkest red in the poll because i know how much you adored blanca & roja

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