Living Dead in Dallas — Charlaine Harris

July 19, 2019

Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris

TITLE: Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse, #2)
AUTHOR: Charlaine Harris
GENRE: Paranormal Fantasy

Cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse is having a streak of bad luck. First her co-worker is killed, and no one seems to care. Then she comes face to-face with a beastly creature that gives her a painful and poisonous lashing. Enter the vampires, who graciously suck the poison from her veins (like they didn’t enjoy it). The point is: they saved her life. So when one of the bloodsuckers asks for a favor, she obliges — and soon Sookie’s in Dallas, using her telepathic skills to search for a missing vampire.


| book 1 |

“Angelic Sookie, vision of love and beauty, I am prostrate that the wicked evil maenad violated your smooth and voluptuous body, in an attempt to deliver a message to me.”

Let me just take back anything negative or lackluster I ever said about Eric Northman in my life, because wow, I have joined the fan club and I am happy to be here, folks.

This installment was SO MUCH BETTER than the first one, I don’t even have words to describe it! The plot’s much more interesting (and set at a better pace), the characters are more varied and fun, we get to meet new faces and learn a little more about some mysterious beings from the first book (again, enter Eric Northman), and Sookie comes into her own a little more as the feisty little firecracker she’s capable of being.

I don’t know why this still wasn’t quite a 5-star read for me—maybe because Bill’s in it too much, and he’s grown to bore me tremendously—but it was such a vast improvement that I can’t wait to pick up the third installment and see if it continues this upward trend.



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I never really got into this series even with all the hype surrounding it. They weren’t bad books, they just didn’t entice me to keep reading. Still worth a try though.

      1. Oh no! I’m halfway through book 4 right now and I really think each one has been better than the one before it, but at the same time, it’s the kind of series where I could totally see why it’s not going to entertain everyone :/

    1. ‘maybe because Bill’s in it too much’ laughing because that’s how I felt about the show. I checked out the audio book for the first one in the library & going to dive into this series soon!

      1. Lmao he’s THE WORST okay!! I’m about to restart the show since I only ever watched the first season of it way back when. I hope you like the books! The first one was a bit meh but 2 onward is great so far, I’m halfway through book 4 right now.

    1. Eric Northman!!! He is my favorite character in the series, I’m so glad you like him. Oh, I like Pam too… his second in command? I think that’s her name anyhow.

      1. He’s so much fun! I love him and Sam a lot. I really love how caring Sam is, but in the part of book 4 that I’m in, there was just a scene with Eric that had me all emotional haha. (I’m not sure how far into the series you are or if you’ve read them all already so I won’t risk spoiling until you say)

          1. Okay good! Well, it was the scene where:
            ***** DEAD TO THE WORLD SPOILERS for anyone reading comments! *****
            He tells Sookie that they don’t have to fight, that they could go back home and he could take care of her, like they were married, and he could love her. It made me totally melt. ?

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