September TBR: it’s a doozy…

September 1, 2022

Another month, another TBR ~

August was a pretty solid month! I had some chronic illness flare-ups that weren’t fun and spent the last week or so in a really bad state of fatigue and brain fog, but we had some REALLY fun highlights, such as…

  • trading our tiny Kia Rio in for a roomy Nissan Pathfinder that I adore already
  • going inside Target for the first time since early 2020 (and spending way too much money on Halloween decor and books for the kiddo)
  • lots of windows-down joy rides to enjoy the (slightly) cooler temps
  • painting and re-decorating several rooms in our home, just for the hell of it
  • drinking copious amounts of pumpkin coffee
  • as always, ALL the kitten cuddles ♥

August goal check-in: 

  1. Catch up on ALL buddy/group reads (I almost succeeded at this one!)
  2. Read 50+ pages per day ✅ (I technically missed ONE day, but I was sick that day and I’m counting this one as a win regardless)
  3. Post 3+ blog tags ✅

My goals for September are: 

  1. Read 60+ pages per day (the 50+ per day was a great challenge, so I thought I’d up it a little!)
  2. Catch up on my Goodreads goal (I think I’m behind by 5 right now)
  3. Catch up on reviews (I have 15 waiting to be written, oops!)

september’s picks:

Will I ever learn my lesson and STOP making unreasonably huge TBR lists? Nah, probably not! 🙃 Most of these are buddy reads or previous TBR catch-ups, like I mentioned in my 2022 goal check-in post earlier this week.

🍁 SPYxFAMILY, Volumes 5-8 // Tatsuya Endo: I have 5-7 checked out from the library right now, and got an eARC of 8!
🍁 The Girl from the Other Side, Vol. 1 // Nagabe: My best friend Malli LOVES this series so I checked out the first volume from the library!
🍁 Only Human // Sylvain Neuvel: Misty and I are finishing our trilogy buddy read and I’m so excited to see how it ends!
🍁 How to Be a Good Creature // Sy Montgomery: Malli hauled this memoir recently and it looked so good, I ordered a copy, too, so we’re buddy reading it!
🍁 Black Tide // K.C. Jones: This was on my summer TBR, and Ashley is buddy reading it with me! We’ve been buddy reading a lot lately and I love it 🥰

🍁 The Final Girl Support Group // Grady Hendrix: One of my favorite authors, a 2022 TBR pick, and I get to read it with the amazing Kay!
🍁 Kingdom of the Cursed // Kerri Maniscalco: I buddy read KotW with Jordyn last month, but she wasn’t ready to continue the series and I want to catch up before KotF’s release, so Ashley is buddy reading this with me (well, a re-read for her)!
🍁 Wolfsong // T.J. Klune: I’ve been wanting to read this SO badly for YEARS, so I’m finally reading it as a buddy read with Leslie and Dini!
🍁 My Heart is a Chainsaw // Stephen Graham Jones: This is on my 2022 TBR and the Horror Aficionados group on Goodreads is reading it, so I’m joining in the group read.
🍁 Delilah Green Doesn’t Care // Ashley Herring Blake: This got chosen for our Books Out of the Blue discord group read in September!

🍁 One Cup at a Time // Matt Tarpley: I LOVED the first Cat’s Cafe book, so I was ecstatic to get the eARC of this follow-up comic collection — and then lucked up and pulled it as one of my September TBR jar picks!
🍁 Full Throttle // Joe Hill: Another perfectly timed TBR jar pick for the month, as I’m trying to catch up on my “12 in 12” TBR and this was Sarah’s recommendation for me!
🍁 Hammers On Bone // Cassandra Khaw: Finishing up my summer TBR picks!
🍁 Frightmares // Eva V. Gibson: My last remaining summer TBR book!
🍁 Tender is the Flesh // Agustina Bazterrica: I’ve been itching to pick this up every single time I see it on my shelf or see anyone talk about it, and it’s on my “12 in 12” TBR list.
🍁 A Dowry of Blood // S.T. Gibson: Another one from my “12 in 12” TBR list AND my 2022 TBR list, too!

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Good luck with your TBR. I can’t wait to finish out The Themis Giles trilogy and I hope you enjoy Kingdom of the Cursed. That was my favorite book of the trilogy so far but I still have to read the final book when it comes out. I keep saying I want to read A Dowry of Blood and so far I haven’t yet. I have it saved on Scribd though so that’s a step in the right direction lol.

      1. Thank you! I’m so excited for our buddy read and can’t wait to see how the series ends. I also really can’t wait for Kingdom of the Cursed, especially since you say it’s your favorite so far! I hope you are able to get to A Dowry of Blood soon! At least it looks like a really quick read!

        1. I’m excited to see how the series ends as well. I think it’s my favorite hugely because of the romance. It’s her most romance heavy book. Maybe I will read it October!!

    1. You’ve got some great reads on your TBR – hope you enjoy them. After reading your goals, you made me think about setting a daily page goal for myself.

      1. Thank you, I hope you enjoy your September reading, too! The daily page goal made such a big difference in my reading lately. There have been so many evenings where I’m getting ready for bed and start to play a game on my phone and remember my page goal, and grab my kindle instead, and I never end up regretting it. 🙂

    1. So many great books on here!! I hope you get to them all. I’m sooo excited for our buddy read of Wolfsong this month! 🙂 Have a wonderful September!

    1. Good luck with your September TBR, I’m SO ready for autumn ? The Girl from the Other Side is a great manga! It has all the spooky vibes but also some found family, I hope you enjoy it ?

    1. There’s some great books on there, hope you enjoy them! I’m loving spy family, I’m on vol 6 now. Hoping to start Paper girls as well, as I’ve such good things, and I want to try watching it on Prime.

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