Shelf Tour Time! #3 — sci-fi/fantasy, part one!

June 21, 2019

Time for another shelf tour installment! Last time, we explored my “murder-y shelves”; this week, we’ll start on my SFF collection!

I’m sorry in advance for the really poor quality of this tour post’s photos! Between my work schedule and the weather we’ve been having, I haven’t had decent enough lighting to take photos in weeks, so I had to make do with what I had and a lamp. ?

If you have grouchy things to say about large book collections, please refer back to the disclaimer in the first post of this series, and be kind. ♥

Most of my physical book collection falls under the fantasy realm, so that’s the bulk of what we’re looking at for the rest of this series (though you contemporary fans, don’t worry, plenty of those are coming soon, too!). I do have a bit of sci-fi mixed in with my fantasy shelves, though you can definitely see a visual indication of what my favorite genre is here, ha. 🙂

first/top shelf:

This shelf is about 50% read, 50% “I’ll get to it eventually”.
Now, I need to find a new home for those copies of An Enchantment of Ravens so they can go beside my ARC and hardback copies of Sorcery of Thorns…


second shelf:

Ahhh, my sweet little Avatar funkos. This shelf is one of my “pride and joy” shelves, hence the honor bestowed upon it by my little plastic darlings. ? And no, I don’t know why I have 1 and 3 of the Lotus War trilogy but not book 2.


third shelf:

I high key love the fact that, if I had enough shelf space to spread things out a bit, I could easily have an entire shelf of Victoria Schwab. ?


fourth shelf:

And here, we begin to devolve into miscellaneous series and random bits and bobs… Oh, and a little historical fiction for variety! I also have the old tarot card style copy of Sabriel around here somewhere, but it’s not on this shelf.


fifth shelf:

More miscellany!


sixth/bottom shelf:

And the bottom shelf is, again… more miscellaneous stuff that doesn’t have very much rhyme or reason to it, besides the fact that it’s all SFF.



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. Thank you! It’s the UK hardback – I don’t know if it still looks the same as I heard rumors that they were changing some details under the jacket after the first printing, but I’m not sure!

    1. I’m just going to sit here and sigh for a little bit. I may sneak in and live in your house for a while. Just saying.

      1. Thank you! Schwab is one of my faves and I’m lucky that my spouse adores her too, so they fully support my ridiculous need to get US and UK editions of as many of her books as possible ?

    1. This is definitely my favourite of your shelves so far. Also, your covers for The Old Kingdom books MATCH and that makes me so happy (for you, but sad for me ?) ?

      1. Bahaha ? Thank you~! I also have the oldschool tarot card paperbacks for the first 2 books, but I’m not sure where they are right now. The only thing is that the Goldenhand AUS paperback is so much bigger than the first 4 books FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL. I rage a little.

        1. Oh, that’s just the size of Aus paperbacks when they first come out. We don’t get hardcovers, so we get GIANT PAPERBACKS. Which then get rereleased as smoller paperbacks at a later date…

    1. You and I have so many books in common! My daughter has a signed copy of An Enchantment of Ravens. Our neighbor got it for her.

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