I swore I wasn’t going to join any more year-long readathons for 2020 since I’m hosting the #ARCApocalypse readathon, but when I saw The Quiet Pond’s #StartOnYourShelfathon, I knew I had to sign up!
Luckily for me, this readathon actually coincides very well with my pre-existing 2020 plans, which were to focus on books I already owned and overdue ARCs as much as possible!
#StartOnYourShelfathon’s goal is simple: read the books on your shelves!
Whether that means books you bought years ago, things you picked up this year, ARCs, etc., it’s just important that it’s something you own (as opposed to library books, etc.) and something you’ve never read before (no rereads!). The books you read can be in any format, and from my understand, 2020 hauls are still eligible to count towards your readathon — again, as long as they’re something you own and you haven’t read before!
As you read books, you’ll be helping sweet little Castor the Star Collector find stars for star maps! I think this is such a freaking adorable idea, but I’ll direct you to please check out the original post as it explains everything much better than I can, and it also offers downloadable resources to help you with your star map!
The reason this coincides so well with #ARCApocalypse for me is that my goal for 2020 is to catch up on all of my review copies! Since they’re unread books that I own, they’ll count towards my readathon goals! My overall reading goal for 2020 is pretty big (240 — 20 books per month), and I really don’t want to fill that number up with primarily graphic novels from the library like I did in 2019. Since I don’t own many unread graphic novels/manga/etc., this readathon should further motivate me to focus on ARCs, so…
I’m setting my #StartOnYourShelfathon goal at 200 books!
I don’t have a set TBR list aside from my entire backlog of review copies, which… well, we’d be here a long time if I listed out a thorough description of them all. Instead, for now I’m just going to drop a link to my “owned-TBR” Goodreads shelf, where I’ll be pulling all of my #StartOnYourShelfathon choices from! I also plan on making a new TBR jar for 2020, so maybe I’ll come back and update this post with pictures once that tremendous undertaking is complete. ?
All #StartOnYourShelfathon images (i.e. those adorable pictures of Castor!) are credited to CW @ The Quiet Pond!
Are you joining #StartOnYourShelfathon? If so, what’s your TBR looking like?
— destiny ♥
December 23, 2019I’ve never done any kind of Readathon before. It sounds like fun, though. Good luck to you!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
December 23, 2019Thank you! 😀
December 23, 2019I’ve been thinking of doing this readathon! I’ve also decided that 2020 is the year I tackle all these books that I already own and keep skipping over for new, shiny books, lol.
Plus, Castor is adorable!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
December 31, 2019You totally should join if you haven’t since posting this comment ? Castor is so stinkin’ cute haha! Let’s be honest, he’s a big part of why I joined ????
December 31, 2019I did end up joining and I’m right there with you ?? He’s adorable!
December 24, 2019Ohh this sounds like a lot of fun, reminds me of Read Your Own Damn Books by Andi. Will check it out! And good luck with your goals!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
December 31, 2019Thank you so much, good luck with yours, too! ?
E. Pasternak
December 25, 2019Oh, wow, good luck! 200 books sounds crazy but I hope you’ll make it! So far I have three star charts: ARCs, physical copies & the books I got and skipped for my book club but I may add to that! ✌?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
December 31, 2019Thank you and good luck to you, too! <3 I love that you have different charts for different things, that's awesome!!
Avery @ RedRocketPanda
December 29, 2019Oooh this sounds so cute and exactly like the thing I need!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 1, 2020I swear Castor is SO CUTE lmao
Let's Get Galactic
December 30, 2019Omg this sounds so fun, I have to join! And it’ll tie in perfectly with another reading goal I was planning on doing, too!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 1, 2020Yaaaay! <3 Good luck!
Isabelle @ Nine Tale Vixen
January 1, 2020I also love how smoothly #StartOnYourShelfathon integrates with other reading goals! (I’m also doing Beat the Backlist and of course the Goodreads challenge, so I’m glad there’s a lot of overlap haha)
my owned-TBR is somewhere around 400 last I checked, so I had to cut it down to the ones I *really* want to read soon – which came out to almost 200 ? I’m not expecting to get through them all; I’ll be satisfied with 150 or so.
that said, I have all the faith that you’ll reach your goal of 200! you got this ??
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 4, 2020Oooooh, that sounds awesome 😀 Good luck with your goals!! I have faith in you ? and thank you!
Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
January 16, 2020Good luck, Destiny!!! If anyone can complete a goal of 200, it’s you, love!! I honestly need to join in this challenge myself, because I have far too many review copies and unread books on my shelf! I also may or may not have close to zero room for any new books on my current shelf! ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 30, 2020Awww thank you! <3 Omg, I feel you o_o I'm trying to reorganize my shelves right now and they're a disaster! I think I'm gonna have to go pick up a new shelf soon. ?