Stacking the Shelves — November 23rd, 2019

November 23, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Physical Review Copies:

  • Nothing this week!

Digital Review Copies:

  • The God Game — Danny Tobey [adult sci-fi]
    • I got invited to join a blog tour for this one and accepted, so they sent me the eARC and the print copy will come later. It’s about a creepy, fantastical video game run by a cruel AI that makes them do bad things in the game, and the players don’t know if there will be real-life consequences or not.
  • Jane Anonymous — Laurie Faria Stolarz [YA contemporary]
    • This one wasn’t on my radar until I got an email from the publishers inviting me to download it a few days ago, and I couldn’t help myself because the publicist compared it to Courtney Summers’ Sadie, which was one of my favorite reads of 2018. It’s about a girl who was kidnapped, tortured, and escaped, and how she’s struggling to re-adjust to normal life, and it alternates between “then” and “now” chapters.
  • Dead Meat: Day 3 — Nick Clausen [YA horror]
    • The third installment in the super fun YA zombie novella serial I’ve been loving! The second one ended on a big cliffhanger so I’m really excited for this one and will probably go ahead and read it this coming week.

Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

  • Nothing this week!

Physical Purchases & Gifts:

  • The Queen of Nothing — Holly Black [YA fantasy; pre-order]
    • Naturally, after liking book 1 and ADORING book 2, I had to pre-order the finale. I doubt I’ll get to it this year, though, sadly — I really want to focus on ARCs right now.
  • Pippa Park Raises Her Game — Erin Yun [MG contemporary; giveaway prize]
    • This was a giveaway I entered through a children’s librarian emailing list I get, and I didn’t even know I won until it showed up in the mail. It’s so cute! And it’s nice to get an ARC that I’m not obligated to review (though we all know I will review it when I get to it because I like reviewing everything).

Library & Kindle Unlimited Borrows:

  • Farmhand, Vol. 2 — Rob Guillory [adult horror/sci-fi graphic novel; hoopla]
    • I just read the first volume a couple of nights ago and LOVED it. It was so funny and subversive and creepy, all at the same time.
  • No Ivy League — Hazel Newlevant [NA contemporary graphic novel; hoopla]
    • I checked this out from Hoopla a few months ago and didn’t pick it up in time, but I figured since I had some checkouts left for November with no plans for what to do with them, I might as well try again.
  • Memetic — James Tynion IV [adult horror graphic novel; hoopla]
    • I haven’t had good luck with James Tynion IV’s work before, but this one intrigued me.


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Hoopla is great. I use it almost everyday for audiobooks. Also, I really like this series you do. I think I may start doing this at some point on my blog.

    1. Great haul! I really hope to buy Queen of nothing soon!


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