The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.
last week on the blog…
✨ Criminal Intentions S1E2: Junk Shop Blues (adult mystery/romance review)
✨ Favorite Video Game Characters
✨ WWW Wednesday
✨ Reader Problems Book Tag
✨ Stacking the Shelves
✨ TBR Lows & Highs
next week on the blog…
* this is always subject to change!
✨ Salvation Day (adult sci-fi review)
✨ Bi-Annual Statistics Update
new review arrivals…
* = requested pre-ban
** = graphic novels/manga & poetry don’t count!
! = amazon vine, review not mandated
There are a lot of additions this week, but I allowed them as exceptions to my ARC ban because they’re all short nonfiction/reference books that won’t take any time at all.
- Unicorn Magic
- Llewellyn’s Little Book of Empathy
- The Mindful Place of Calm
- Born Under a Good Sign
- The Weaving Explorer
- ** Rose, Vol. 1
- ** Mamma Mia! #1
- Digital Hand Lettering and Modern Calligraphy
- * Red Hood
- ** Let’s Be Weird Together
- Every Other Weekend
- ** Great Goddesses
- The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (unsolicited)
- ! An Unconditional Freedom
outside the blogosphere…
I did something big this week, and requested a schedule change at my job. For backstory, a few months ago I was asked to increase my hours to almost full-time status for the summer and possibly permanently later this year. I wanted to make everyone happy so I said yes (plus the money was helpful), but my mental health plummeted almost immediately and my son didn’t take well at all to me being gone so much. I’ve never in my entire working history gone to a boss and specifically asked to change something like this — I’ve always been the type of person who goes with the flow and does whatever is asked of me — but I knew it was time. I even did a tarot reading last Sunday night, and the cards told me that I needed to step out of my comfort zone to focus on myself instead of pleasing others, and that felt like pretty solid confirmation, yeah?
Anyways, Monday morning, I went straight to my boss and told her how things have been going for me and with my son, and she was so understanding and has me back on my old schedule effective this week. It was a reeeeaaaally long work week knowing that my son was at home upset about how much I was gone, but it helped to count down to what feels like getting our “normal” life back.
Since I’ll be at work so much less (altogether, I’ll be out of the house about half as many hours per week as I have been these last couple of months), the summer reading program is drawing to a close soon, and my summer semester ends in a couple of weeks, I’m hoping you’re all about to see a lot more of me! I want to finally kick this awful reading slump I’ve been in and to get back on my normal posting schedule. Plus, I’ve missed you guys~! ♥ I have over 800 comments to catch up on and I’m hoping to tackle those this week, too, so don’t be alarmed if you all find a swarm of very delayed replies from me in your notifications this week. ?
reading this weekend…
I’ve barely read all week so my list is practically the same, but today I’ve mostly been reading:
? Dead to the World
what I watched…
? Happy Death Day 2U [library loan] (I LOVED the first one last week, and thought this one was fun, too, when I watched it this week, but definitely not as good as the first movie.)
? Pet Sematary (2019) [Redbox] (I know this has gotten pretty polarizing reviews, but I LOVED IT SO MUCH.)
? The Prodigy [Redbox] (I had high hopes for this one, but I really can’t stand Taylor Schilling’s acting, and I was bored through most of the film and found it super predictable.)
what I listened to…
* these are my favorite songs of the week!
? Of Monsters and Men — ‘Wild Roses’ (along with their entire discography because my hype for the new album has me obsessed all over again)
? The NoSleep Podcast (caught up on the free versions of all of S13’s episodes so far. This season has been SO GOOD and I’m probably about to grab the season pass)
what I played…
? World of Warcraft (my spouse convinced me to re-sub this week, but I decided to make a few new characters and finally explore the Horde side)
? Delicious – Emily’s Childhood Memories Platinum Edition (still chipping away at my series re-play, but my GameHouse sub is set to renew next week and I’m probably gonna let it lapse and take a break for a month or two to focus on WoW)
a few last words…
Kathy @ Books & Munches
July 14, 2019Girl, I didn’t know you were in such a bad space mentally! Even though I’m busy as fuck and my life is hectic, you can always come barging in my pm’s, dear. You should know that! I’m glad you got back to your old schedule. I hope it does a world of good to both you and your family. <3
July 14, 2019Oh I just started playing WoW again too! I always play Horde — I’ve never managed to level an Alliance character
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 29, 2019I used to play Alliance and my highest level character is a Draenei hunter, but I recently switched to Horde and I honestly love it so much more! I don’t know why, I’ve just been enjoying it more. And the Horde has better catch phrases. ? I wander around the house randomly grumbling “blood and thunder!” at my spouse bahahah.
Malka @ Paper Procrastinators
July 14, 2019I’m so, so happy that you spoke up for yourself and made the change that was best for yourself! I hope that you immediately see a big, wonderful change in your mental health and get rid of this reading slump at the same time!
Musings of a (Book) Girl
July 14, 2019I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself and your family and getting your work hours reduced again! I am the exact same way as you and will always do what is asked of me in those situations, even if doing so makes myself sick from exhaustion and hurts other areas of my life.
My husband and I have been on a big scary movie watching spree. He watched Pet Semetary yesterday, but I napped during that one. But, I watched Hereditary and Us. Both of them scared me so bad I couldn’t sleep, but I’m pretty easy to scare. And then my husband also watched The Autopsy of Jane Doe (which he really liked) and The Possession of Hannah Grace (which he hated).
I’m really looking forward to the new Of Monsters and Men album, too! I was loving Ed Sheeran and BANKS’ new albums that released on Friday.
July 15, 2019So good of you to just go to your boss! And nice that you have your normal schedule back 🙂
rachel @ typed truths
July 16, 2019i’m so happy to hear you’re on a schedule that works better for you and your family! good on you for talking to your boss. that must have been really anxiety-inducing but it worked out so congrats for going through with it. hope you get to see its benefits for mental health asap ??
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 21, 2019Thank you! Omg, it so was. It’s so hard for me to speak up about the things I want/need in a workplace setting. I’m glad I did, though!
Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
July 17, 2019Ahhhh way to go, love! I’m so happy you decided to ask your boss for a schedule change, so you can have more time to focus on yourself and your son! ❤️
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 21, 2019Thank you, I’m so happy I did, too! It has already made a WORLD of difference in our home!
July 26, 2019I’m honestly so happy for you, Destiny! I know life has been stressful and I feel you! if working less is something you need to do to lessen the mental stress then you should NEVER feel bad about it! Also, now you get to spend more time with your adorable son and who could ever fault you for that???