Sunday Post — August 25th, 2019

August 25, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.


last week on the blog…

✨ Human Flesh (adult horror review)
✨ 10 favorite romance tropes (with examples!)
WWW Wednesday
Made for You (adult m/m romance review)
Stacking the Shelves
Saturday Smalls
TBR Lows & Highs

next week on the blog…

* this is always subject to change!

✨ The Work of Art (adult historical romance review)
✨ State of the ARC
✨ August haul

reading this weekend…

I haven’t done any reading over the last few days because I’ve been working on blog hopping instead, so my goals for the evening are just to at least make some progress on all of these reads:
? Darkdawn
? Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
? Dead to the World


new review arrivals

  • eARCs:
    • How to Make Friends with the Sea
    • Girls Save the World in this One
    • Betty Bites Back: Stories to Scare the Patriarchy
    • Work for It
    • Bone Crier’s Moon
    • If These Wings Could Fly
    • Scared Little Rabbits
    • Sorry I Ruined Your Childhood
    • Ink in the Blood
  • Print ARCs:
    • Your Heart is the Sea
    • The Storm Runner
    • The Fire Keeper


about that ARC ban

Heeeey, it’s a new section! As many of you may remember, I put myself on an ARC ban in June. The rule was that I could only haul one ARC per week with some minor exceptions for the occasional graphic novel, poetry collection, etc. — you know, “quick reads”! Unfortunately, I failed at the ban within only a few weeks of starting it. I’m working on this week’s State of the ARC post and let me tell y’all… I’m a little scared.

Anyways, there’s no point in fretting over what’s already happened, but I’m determined to get back on the wagon (ha, I guess you could call it the ban wagon) for September, and the rest of the year! (And probably next year, too, tbh.) I’ll go into more detail about how I plan to hold myself accountable in my State of the ARC post, so keep an eye out for that, but a big part of my plan is THIS section! Every week, I’ll take a moment in my Sunday Post just to let you all know how my ban’s going, what is or isn’t working for me, etc. really need to succeed at this ban and get my unread ARC numbers decreased in a big way, so please feel free to call me out if you see me hauling too many review copies! ?


outside the blogosphere

This week was pretty solid! We went to see the Game Grumps comedy tour and it was amazing. We splurged on VIP passes, so we got some exclusive merch and got to have an hour-long Q&A with Arin and Dan before the show. I’ve been following the Grumps for almost a decade and Arin and Dan are literally some of my favorite people in the world, so it was a definite bucket list item for me. <3


what I watched

? Nothing this week — I’d really better get to work on those library movies I have checked out, though!

what I listened to

* these are my favorite songs of the week!

Ben Howard — ‘Conrad’ (I love this song 365 days a year, but it’s in constant rotation for me during the fall, and I guess I’m gearing up early this year.)

what I played

Nothing! I’m disappointed in myself, but I’ll make up for it tonight… hopefully. ?

a few last words



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. This is such an interesting idea. I love seeing a weekly wrap up in a post. It’s also nice to see what’s coming up on the blog and be able to catch up on what’s been on your blog. ☺️

    1. I love reading your Sunday post. I’ve been on a review ban for a while now and just this month got back into requesting again. Of course, I wen’t overboard and am overloaded with books to read. lol, the struggle is real.

    1. I hope you enjoy your reading this weekend! And hopefully your ARC ban works betterthis time :p

      1. HAHAHAHA I have to start a new SDV game because I accidentally deleted my old one, but that’s EXACTLY how it was. So many chests, so much ridiculous stuff I’ll probably never need but can’t imagine living without…

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