Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s prompt was to list Books You’d Mash Together, but I’m never any good at that sort of thing—I tend to view each book/series in its own little compartment in my head—so I decided instead to list ten series I’d like to continue or finish soon!
Last year, I did a similar T10T: Ten Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start! I’ll give a quick update on those below, before launching into this week’s list.
Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start: UPDATE!
1. Throne of Glass — Sarah J. Maas
IN PROGRESS (novellas + 2/6 installments read, #3 in progress)
2. Mara Dyer — Michelle Hodkin
IN PROGRESS (1/3 installments read)
3. The Remnant Chronicles — Mary E. Pearson
4. The Lord of the Rings — J.R.R. Tolkien
5. Loom Saga — Elise Kova
6. Shatter Me — Tahereh Mafi
7. The Chronicles of Alice — Christina Henry
8. Six of Crows — Leigh Bardugo
COMPLETE — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ average
9. Clash of Kingdoms — Erin Summerill
10. The Mortal Instruments — Cassandra Clare
IN PROGRESS (4/6 installments read)
1. Flame in the Mist — Renee Ahdieh
1 read, 1 unread
I didn’t love the first book, but I liked the ending enough to need to know what happens next, especially since it’s only a duology.
2. DC Icons — multiple authors
1 read, 2 unread, 1 unreleased
I liked Wonder Woman: Warbringer okay, and would like to read Batman before Catwoman, which I’ve pre-ordered (it released today). That said, I have no real interest in reading the 4th book (Superman) when it comes out.
3. The Mortal Instruments — Cassandra Clare
4 read, 2 unread
I’m working through the Shadowhunters books in publication order right now, and will be finishing this one soon, though I’ll be sad to see it go!
4. The Infernal Devices — Cassandra Clare
1 read, 1 in progress, 1 unread
Same as TMI, I’ll be finished soon and am sad to see it end but also excited to move on to The Dark Artifices.
5. The Nevernight Chronicle — Jay Kristoff
1 read, 1 unread, 1 unreleased
The first book is one of my all-time faves, but I’ve been putting off Godsgrave because I’m scared of the cliffhanger ending everyone has warned me about, especially with Darkdawn having been moved back to fall 2019.
6. Throne of Glass — Sarah J. Maas
novellas + 2 read, 1 in progress, 3 unread, 1 unreleased
I am loving this series and am going to be seriously sad to finish it, but I also really want to finish it in time to read the finale as soon as it comes out so that nobody gets the chance to spoil me for the ending!
7. The Lunar Chronicles — Marissa Meyer
3 read, 2 + novellas unread
I liked Cinder and Scarlet, and loved Cress, so I have no idea why it’s been a year now since I’ve continued this series! My plan is to read Fairest next, then finally Winter (with the short stories in between as shown on Marissa Meyer’s website).
8. Percy Jackson and the Olympians — Rick Riordan
3 read, 1 in progress, 1 unread
Technically, the 1 in progress (book 4) was one I picked up a few months ago, read the first 100pg of, and forgot about so I set it aside long enough that I’ll probably just restart it soon, but whatever. I want to finish this series so I can move on to the next series!
9. The Bone Season — Samantha Shannon
1 read, 2 unread, 4 unreleased
I loved book 1 so much that I immediately bought books 2 and 3, but keep putting off reading them because I know book 4 has been pushed back a couple of times and I don’t want to be stuck waiting forever between installments. Last I heard, Samantha is hopefully releasing book 4 some time in 2020—my understanding is that her new standalone, Priory, was basically just rattling around in her brain and refused to let her work on TBS, which I can fully respect and don’t blame her for.
(I’ll be reading Priory when it comes out, too!)
10. Abhorsen — Garth Nix
1 read, 4 unread
I read Sabriel as a kid and loved it but never continued it, so I reread Sabriel at the start of this year and enjoyed it a lot, but for some reason keep forgetting to move on with the series.
What are some series that you want to continue or finish soon?
August 7, 2018I’m going to start The Remnant Chronicles this year! And I personally liked TID best out of TMI, TID and TDA, but I’m very excited to see how TDA wraps up (and Lady Midnight is one of my favourite Clare books of all time).
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Ooh, I hope you enjoy The Remnant Chronicles! 🙂 And I’m really looking forward to getting to TDA (though I’ll be sad to say goodbye to TMI and TID).
Ilsen Leon
August 7, 2018Basically everything on this list except Flame in the Mist I want to start or continue reading!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Haha great minds think alike! Did you dislike FitM or have you already finished it? I honestly felt so meh about book 1 that I’m just going to get book 2 from the library at some point (probably no time soon).
August 7, 2018Oh yeah I need to read on with the bone season. I own the next two but just haven’t gotten around to it.But if I wait too long I’m going to have forgotten almost everything haha. And yes finish PJO. I love The Heroes of Olympus just a bit more.
I hadn’t heard Darkdawn has been pushed back to 2020. That is a long time to wait for a conclusion.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Right?! Lol I am the worst about forgetting stuff if I wait too long between installments and it’s already been a year since I read book 1 so I’m strongly considering rereading it before continuing.
Omg, I’m so glad you said something lol. I remember writing this at like 3 in the morning and apparently I put 2020 when I meant to put 2019!!
Charlotte Annelise
August 7, 2018I read Cinder a while ago and really liked it! I need to finish the series. ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018It’s such a fun series! 🙂 Cress is my fave so far.
Heather Cilley ??? (@SPEWYouVoldy)
August 7, 2018I really want to re-read the Throne of Glass series soon! And the Lunar Chronicles!! I need to re-read Flame in the Mist before reading the next one. I remember loving it but I can’t remember a lot of what happened. I think I read it too quickly haha.
Good luck with all your reading girl! <3
Heather @ Heather's Reading Hideaway|My Top Ten Tuesday!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Haha I feel you, that’s me with The Bone Season! I binged it all in 2 nights and now I don’t remember it enough so I have to reread it before continuing!! And thank you lovely, happy reading! ♥
August 7, 2018Ooh you have quite a few I’d like to try as well. Percy Jackson, Shatter Me, Clash of Kingdoms…
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018PJO is honestly such a fun series! I can’t believe I haven’t finished it yet. 🙂
Louise ☆
August 7, 2018I’m kind of the opposite of you with the DC Icons books: I’m not interested in the Catwoman book at all, but I am looking forward to the Superman book because I’ve been wanting a YA Superman book for a long time.
And I’ve read all of the main books in the Lunar Chronicles but I still haven’t read Fairest or Stars Above yet. Hopefully I’ll get to them someday because I’m not usually too fussed about novellas.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Totally understandable! I’m not much of a Catwoman fan, I just enjoy Sarah’s writing enough that I think I will have fun with it. To be fair, the only DC hero I have ever cared much for is Batman. I was so excited when I originally found out that Marie Lu was doing his story, but so many of my Batman-loving friends have told me it’s a big disservice to the franchise in their opinions. I know it’s one of those things I’ll have to see for myself, but it has definitely made me hesitant. 🙁
Oh, I hope you do! I hear that Fairest is REALLY good! I’ve read some of the short stories in Stars Above so far and they don’t feel “necessary” to me AT ALL so I don’t think you’re missing out on too much there, unless you just wanted more content.
Kay Wisteria
August 7, 2018Great spin on the prompt! Percy Jackson and TLC are amazing ❤️
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Thank you, Kay! Aren’t they great? I honestly cannot believe I haven’t finished either of them. A little ashamed of myself… lol!!
Brooke Lorren
August 7, 2018I’m in the middle of reading the Throne of Glass series (just finished the second one) and The Mortal Instruments as well (only done with the first one). I’m just waiting for them to become available at the library.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018How are you liking them so far? 🙂
August 7, 2018Love what you’ve done this week! 🙂 I have 1 book to read in the Remnant Chronicles. I have been really enjoying it!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Thank you, Chrissi! I hear soooo many good things about that series that I feel like I HAVE to pick it up soon, plus, let’s be honest, I am freaking IN LOVE with the covers lmao!
August 7, 2018See you were sensible spreading out The Bone Season, my inner fangirl got the better of me and she was like “MUST FINISH NOW” when I read the first three books last summer so I sped through them in like 2 months and am now facing a two year wait before the next one-thanks inner fangirl, you really helped there…not. I still need to catch up on the last Throne of Glass book before the new one comes out in October. I’m not really interested in Batman or Superman but I do want to read Wonder Woman and Catwoman. Also yay for the Percy Jackson books, hope you enjoy the ones you have left!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Hahaha oh nooooo! I honestly almost did that last year and had to FORCE myself not to. And thank you, so far I have given all of the PJO books 4 stars each so I have high hopes for books 4 and 5!
August 8, 2018I just did not have your level of patience and self restraint! Yay, 4 & 5 are so good, I’m sure you’ll love them 🙂
Kelly | Kelly's Rambles
August 7, 2018If I had known that Darkdawn was going to be postponed an entire year I definitely wouldn’t have read Godsgrave so quickly after it came out!! It will be worth the wait though!
I still keep meaning to start The Bone Season and the Mara Dyer trilogy – I own both so I don’t really have any excuse except time (but don’t we all say that?)
I adored the Lunar Chronicles so I hope you enjoy the rest when you get to them 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018I don’t blame you! I spent a while considering just saving Godsgrave until next summer, but there’s no way I can wait that long. I think I’ll read it in October or November of this year.
Oh yes, I feel you! So many books, so little time. I’d love to hear your thoughts on both series when you start them. I think Mara is a good one to go into without super high expectations, because it’s not like it’s the utmost literary quality, but it IS a lot of fun. The Bone Season, on the other hand, feels so well fleshed out to me. I feel like it’s a very underrated series, but maybe part of that is because it reads like adult dystopia/fantasy but it’s marketed as YA, and I think a lot of those types of series don’t do as well?
Kelly | Kelly's Rambles
August 7, 2018I know what you mean – I think the marketing has to be done carefully with fantasy when it comes to what is YA and what maybe should be adult. I only ever hear amazing things about The Bone Season though and I’ve met Samantha Shannon a few times now and she’s super lovely so keen to support her. I think I’m put off starting it because I know the next book is a little while away yet so I may keep saving the first three!
August 7, 2018I really want to finish A Darker Shade of Magic!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018It is SUCH a good series! Honestly my favorite trilogy of all time. I hope you love the rest of the series!
August 7, 2018Me too! Thank you 🙂
Barb (boxermommyreads)
August 7, 2018I never tire of seeing the covers for the Jay Kristoff series. The new one coming out is my fave!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018They’re so gorgeous! I LOVE the Darkdawn cover – it did not disappoint at all when it was revealed. I wish they would reveal the UK cover already, too!
August 7, 2018I also need to start the remnant chronicles! I own book one but haven’t got to it yet. It sounds kinda cheesy but in a fun, good way? I’m excited to start it. I started shatter me earlier this year and really liked book one but haven’t started book two yet. This post is kinda motivating me to do it though because it’s so satisfying finishing series
I hope you like the rest of Cassie Clare’s books! The Dark Artifices is my favourite series of hers so I’m so interested to hear your thoughts on it
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Cheesy but fun is exactly how I would describe my expectations for The Remnant Chronicles! And I’m so glad you enjoyed Shatter Me – I feel like it gets so much negative press from people lately but I read the first few chapters of book 1 last summer and really loved the writing style, so my hopes are pretty high for it. And you’re right, it is SUPER satisfying to finish a series!
Thank you, I’m really excited to get to TDA! I heard it has the most fae presence of the series, and if that’s true, I think I will REALLY love it.
August 7, 2018Are you planning on reading The Dark Artifices after The Mortal Instruments? As much as I love TMI, TDA is my favorite Shadowhunters series and I highly recommend them! ??
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Yesss, absolutely! I’m actually following along with Emmabooks’ year-long readalong plan (though I’m a little bit behind and trying to catch up)!
August 7, 2018I also put off reading sequels when I loved the first book so much ?
I’m really glad you’re liking Throne of Glass! Tower of Dawn is actually one of my favorites ever 😀
And it seems like no one is interested in Superman’s book, poor Clark ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Bahaha, isn’t it the worst habit?! I don’t know why I’m so bad about it but I always do it!
Awww, yay! I feel like I never hear people rave about Tower of Dawn but I’m honestly looking forward to it. I’m in Heir of Fire right now, so I’ve been told I’m at the point in the series where I will know whether or not I’ll be a Chaol-hater, and so far I’m just… not ??
Lmaooo, poor Clark indeed. I’ve just never been a Superman fan, sadly!
August 7, 2018Oooh, so many great series here! Omg definitely start The Remnant Chronicles! I reread the first 2 books last month to finish the series and I adored it.
You got this for catching up on the TOG series!
Ahh, I’m so excited that Catwoman is releasing today!
I really want to finish The Queen of Tearling series and The Lunar Chronicles too!
Here’s my TTT post if ya wanna check it out:
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018I will definitely push The Remnant Chronicles up on my list, thank you! 😀 And yes, I’m super stoked for Catwoman. My copy hasn’t even shipped from B&N yet and it makes me sad, lol.
August 7, 2018Yay, can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the series!
And aww, that sucks! I preordered from B&N also and I got a shipping confirmation from them earlier today, so hopefully you’ll hear from them soon!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018Thank you, Keri! I actually got an email about an hour ago! 😀 So it should be here around the end of the week.
August 8, 2018Yay! Hope ya enjoy it when you get it!
Aymee (@asphaltcowgrrl)
August 7, 2018I’m totally with you re: the book maashup thing. But I love your list and the update! So many of these series are on my TBR as well. I think the only one I’ve actually read are The Hobbit/LOTR.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way lol!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
August 7, 2018Oh my goodness, I’m so excited for Samantha Shannon’s Priory of the Orange Tree too! To be honest, my interest in her Bone Season series has kind of waned (I said I was going to catch up too, but I think by now it’s time to just admit it’s not going to happen anymore, lol!) but I think Priory will be more to my tastes because of its genre.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Haha I have so many series like that – I think it can be really easy to lose interest if you wait a while between installments, especially if you weren’t 100% invested to begin with! I do love TBS, but I’m 10x more excited for Priory tbh. I haven’t read a GOOD dragon story in way too long.
Erin @ Pages of Milk and Honey
August 7, 2018I have such a hard time finishing a series once I’ve started it?? Which makes no sense at all, especially if I loved it so much?? I’ve read Cinder and have yet to move on even though I am so anxious to, and I’ve read The Raven Boys but not the rest of The Raven Cycle… and same with Percy Jackson? Which is insane because those are so easy to fly through! I will admit that even though I want to read The Mortal Instruments (and the following series) so badly, they intimidate me because there’s so. many!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018I know, it really doesn’t make sense, but at the same time I feel you 100% lmao. I’m the worst about it, too. I do hope that you continue The Raven Cycle soon though, because wow, that series totally has my heart, and books 2 and 3 are my favorites! And yeah, the Cassie Clare books intimidated me for years because of how many books there are, but the fact that they’re broken up into separate series does make them feel more manageable once you’re in the middle of it, for what it’s worth!
Erin @ Pages of Milk and Honey
August 7, 2018That’s great to hear! To be honest, I’m most interested in The Dark Artifices, so I’m debating just reading those and forgoing the others for now ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018I’ve heard some people say they skipped the others and were still able to enjoy TDA, but everyone I know who read the series in order says, “No, you can’t do that!” so… I’m no help ??
Erin @ Pages of Milk and Honey
August 7, 2018Haha I do appreciate your input though! They’re all on my TBR, so I guess I’ll just have to see which ones call to me first ☺️
Kelly W
August 7, 2018So many good books on your list! I’m glad to see that you enjoyed Six of Crows! You’re in the middle of some really fantastic series. I too am only halfway through the Flame in the Mist duology… I have book two from the library and now it’s sitting on a pile…
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018Thank you! Yes, Six of Crows was absolutely incredible. Oh, I hope you get to read Smoke in the Sun soon! I’m not rushing to pick it up but I have heard it’s even better than book 1.
August 7, 2018Percy Jackson, the bone season, the lunar chronicles are great series! You should definitely keep reading them. You can binge read throne of glass before the last book comes out.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018I definitely will, I want to finish them all! 😀 And yes, I’m reading one TOG book per month until the finale! I figure that way, I won’t risk burning out, but I also won’t have to wait long in case of cliffhangers!
August 8, 2018That’s an excellent reading plan! I only hope you’ll be able to avoid spoilers though! ?
August 7, 2018TID is way better than TMI. You should definitely keep reading it.?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018No worries, I’m still working on them both! 😀 Though I have to say that I am halfway through Clockwork Prince and 100% prefer TMI by a LOT, but that definitely could change – I hear Clockwork Princess is one of the best books in the whole Shadowhunters universe!
August 8, 2018OMG clockwork princess was so good!! I couldn’t get over it for daysss!!
August 8, 2018OMG THIS IS NEW TO ME! How did you say so? Everyone’s saying that they like TMI more than TID, and even though I haven’t read TMI yet, I feel like TID will always have a special place in my heart!
August 8, 2018For me TID was better in many ways. The writing, the setting, and even the characters! I wasn’t a big fan of the protagonist in TMI and some of the characters were okay. But I loved everyone in TID!
Ruby's Books
August 7, 2018I loved Batman. I haven’t yet read Wonder Woman (haven’t had the courage to pick it up), but I will before the year is over. I also need to finish The Lunar Chronicles. I kind of forgot about it, like you with Abhorsen. I’ve heard a lot about Sabriel thogh, so I’m curious about it too.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 7, 2018WW:W wasn’t amazing imo, but I did enjoy it well enough! It had good friendships and I loved some of the characters a lot. I hope you check out Sabriel some time! Book 1 does feel a little dated since it came out in the 90s, but on the other hand, Garth Nix literally helped create the YA fantasy genre and it wouldn’t be what it is today without his influences through that series, so I think it’s one that definitely is worth picking up. 🙂
August 7, 2018interested to know why you won’t read superman? Although honestly I don’t have many plans to finish this series ? which series are you most excited to finish???
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018Oh I’m just not a big Superman fan, honestly! I really never have been, even as a kid. I was raised on DC heroes but never liked him lol. 🙁 As far as which one I’m most excited to finish, that’s tough! Like, I’m excited to finish Throne of Glass and The Mortal Instruments, but I’ll also be really sad to be done with those. I guess I’d say The Lunar Chronicles because I hear Winter and Fairest are both amazing, and while I enjoy the series I won’t be terribly sad when it’s over. 🙂
Megan @ Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest
August 8, 2018I am in about the same position you are with Percy Jackson. I got stuck on book 4 and need to reread because it has been forever since I read them.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018It’s such a fun series, but it can be so hard to prioritize backlist titles when there are so many ARCs to review and new releases to pick up every year!
Kelly Brigid
August 8, 2018Ah, so many fantastic series here! I love Throne of Glass and the Lunar Chronicles, so I hope you enjoy the rest of those books! I read Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu and enjoyed it a lot. I really want to read Catwoman, and should probably get to Wonderwoman soon. Haha. Lovely post! <3
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018Thank you! The more that I’m talking to people about Batman, the more promising it’s sounding, so I’m starting to look forward to it more. I really enjoyed Marie’s writing in Warcross so I’ve been wanting to pick up more by her!
August 8, 2018Duuuuude, if you liked Throne of Glass, then you’ll like The Alchemists of Loom! I can’t wait for you to read it. I also need to finish The Infernal Devices. I’m a coward because I don’t wanna finish Clockwork Princess.
If You Liked This, Then You’ll Like THIS is for my Top Ten Tuesday this week!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018I really do need to read The Alchemists of Loom! I own the entire series so I have no idea why I keep putting them off lol!
August 9, 2018YOU LUCKY HUMAN! *snatches your Alchemists of Loom books*
Cam @ Camillea Reads
August 8, 2018I want to continue the ADSOM trilogy. I’ve been saying this for over a year now haha I’ve only read book one. That ended on quite a satisfactory note, so I don’t feel rushed to get into book two. I want to read the Lunar chronicles, the Infernal devices, and the Nevernight series!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 9, 2018It’s such a fantastic series! It’s funny, I waited a year after book 1, too – but then read books 2 and 3 within about a month of each other. I hope you get to finish it soon, as well as checking out all of the other amazing series! ♥
Lena @ The Printed Girl
August 9, 2018Except for throne of glass all those books are also still on my list!! I’m so bad with hyped series! ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 9, 2018I feel you, most of these, I hadn’t even started until this year! 2018 was the year I finally decided I was gonna MAKE the time to start these series lol!
August 10, 2018There are a few series I want to continue or finish but right now The Bone Season is the only one that comes to mind. I guess I’ve always thought that if it’s meant to be, I’ll return to a series and finish it. I also want to start reading the Sabriel series because it seems quite good!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 11, 2018The Sabriel series is definitely one that’s worth checking out! I hope you’ll have the chance to check out some of those series soon 🙂
August 10, 2018Ooh good luck finishing these series!
I actually enjoyed Smoke in the Sun more than Flame in the Mist.
Cora |
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 11, 2018Thank you! Oh that’s awesome, that makes me more excited to pick up Smoke in the Sun!
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
August 12, 2018I need to finish the Percy Jackson series as well. I’ve only gotten to the first two. There are so many Rick Riordan books to explore, but I feel like I need this particular foundation first.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 12, 2018Yes, exactly! I was determined not to read any of his series until I finish PJO. I will *probably* read them in publication order, but I’m not 100% committed to that idea yet. I’ve heard that the only series that HAVE to be read in a specific order are PJO -> House of Olympus -> Trials of Apollo.
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
August 13, 2018That is good to know!
August 13, 2018I really want to continue reading the Throne of Glass series ( I don’t want it to end either!!).
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 13, 2018How far into the series are you so far, or have you read it all before?
August 14, 2018I read up to Queen of Shadows when it first came out. You’re reading Heir of Fire right? How is it going?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 14, 2018Yes! Uh… slow, haha. I honestly love it, I just literally keep forgetting that I’m reading it? Which I feel like is a weird thing to do, but… *shrug* 😀
August 14, 2018Hahaha I think I actually know how you feel on that!!