T5W 05.03.17: Favorite SFF Cover Art

May 3, 2017

* Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme/challenge for book bloggers, hosted by Lainey and Sam. The goal is for bloggers to choose their top 5 picks for the week’s given challenge, and you can find out more over on Goodreads! *

This week’s T5W challenge is to show off your top 5 favorite sci-fi and fantasy cover arts! Now, I had big plans to take a lovely photo displaying my top 5 for this challenge, but let’s get real: ACOWAR released this week. Nothing else is getting done, y’all. I mean, I’m stunned that I’ve even put the damn thing down long enough to type up this pitiful blog post. (For what it’s worth, I’m actually only about 250 pages in, because I’ve been super busy since I picked up my first copy yesterday – my family is legitimately stunned that I haven’t already knocked the whole thing out.)

Anyways, thanks to my lovely lack of prioritizing skills, you guys will just have to settle for some stock photos. Don’t hate me. ♡

Disclaimer: A few of these are admittedly still on my TBR and/or wishlist, but it doesn’t mean I can’t drool over them!

 – Tahereh Mafi
I mean, just look at the colors on this thing! I haven’t picked this book up yet, but I’ll be honest and admit that I want it just for how gorgeous the fucking cover is.


Uprooted – Naomi Novik
This book actually has a few different covers, and they’re all gorgeous, but this version is by far my favorite. I love the medieval vibe of the text and illustrations!

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The Bone Witch – Rin Chupeco
When I first saw this cover back in February, I knew I had to have it on my shelf, so I pre-ordered it. I’ll be the first to admit that this book has sat on my shelf since the day I got it, and I feel no real rush to read it… but it looks damn pretty as a piece of art in my room!


Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening – Marjorie M. Liu
This pick is actually a graphic novel, and let me tell you guys, the artwork on the inside of the book is just as gorgeous as the cover. I had to set it aside to try again later, because to be fair, the story line feels a little too big to fit into a graphic novel, for me; that said, I think it was less a problem with the book, and more a problem with my mood. Even if you have no interest at all in the synopsis, though, pick this one up just because it’s so goddamn drool-worthy.

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And I Darken – Kiersten White
Let me preface this choice by saying that I really hesitated to add this one, because when I read this, I can’t say that I would have jumped to file this under “fantasy”. That said, GR labels it as such, and if I squint a little and call it historical fantasy, I can get over it long enough to include, because this cover is stunning. Actually, dammit, both of this book’s covers are stunning, so I’ll just go ahead and list each of them.


Just for good measure, here are a few honorary mentions that almost made the cut for my top 5…

More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I hear ya girl. I’m glad you were able to get it up. You had some great covers listed. I love the covers on Elise Kova’s books but I could possibly add any more books to my ‘Top 5’ ish Wednesday post. It’s already fully loaded. Have fun reading ACOWAR ?

      1. Ooh, I’ll have to go take a peek! I love this week’s challenge. I’m such a shameless cover buyer. Thanks! <3

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