book tags


The “I Messed Up” Book Tag

First and foremost, my inner tag klepto has once more surfaced; alas, I was not tagged in this one. That said, the person who I’m stealing borrowing it from is Steph @ Stephanie’s Novel Fiction, and her post totally says anyone can tag themselves, so here we are! A character appearance that you misread or imagined differently: Bill Weasley! I pictured him as being similar to his siblings in that sort of casual, almost slightly “homely” look, if that makes sense?...

The Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag

I’ll go ahead and get this confession out of the way: I wasn’t tagged in this one. Nope. I’m a self-proclaimed tag kleptomaniac. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME STOP! … ahem. Sorry. Moving on! I nabbed this lovely little tag specifically from two wonderful blogs I follow: Inspiration Pie and Stephanie’s Novel Fiction! I’ll tag Melanie, Sionna, Lois & David, Dani, Solomon, Chelsea, Alicia, Suzanne, Romie, and anyone else who wants to participate! If you post yours, please tag me and/or leave a link below so I can view it! 1....