diverse books


Made for You — Anyta Sunday

TITLE: Made for You AUTHOR: Anyta Sunday GENRE: Romance AGE RANGE: Adult SYNOPSIS: Twenty-four-year-old Ben McCormick is the primary caregiver for his brother Milo after their parents’ death. Defeated and thoroughly chastised for his lack in parenting skills at teacher-parent night, Ben slumps away with the resolve to finally get his life sorted: be a better role model, and sell their parents’ house for a fresh start. But first, he needs to spruce up his house to hit the market. He’s no DIY king,...

In the Shadow of Spindrift House — Mira Grant

TITLE: In the Shadow of Spindrift House AUTHOR: Mira Grant GENRE: Horror AGE RANGE: Adult SYNOPSIS: Nature abhors a straight line. The natural world is a place of curves and softened edges, of gentle mists and welcoming spirals. Nature remembers deviation; nature does not forgive. For Harlowe Upton-Jones, life has never been a straight line. Shipped off to live with her paternal grandparents after a mysterious cult killed her mother and father, she has grown up chasing the question behind the curve, becoming...

The Resurrectionists — Michael Patrick Hicks

TITLE: The Resurrectionists (Salem Hawley, #1) AUTHOR: Michael Patrick Hicks GENRE: Horror AGE RANGE: Adult SYNOPSIS: Having won his emancipation after fighting on the side of the colonies during the American Revolution, Salem Hawley is a free man. Only a handful of years after the end of British rule, Hawley finds himself drawn into a new war unlike anything he has ever seen. New York City is on the cusp of a new revolution as the science of medicine advances, but procuring bodies for...

Criminal Intentions, S1E2: Junk Shop Blues — Cole McCade

TITLE: Criminal Intentions, S1E2: Junk Shop Blues AUTHOR: Cole McCade GENRE: Romance/Mystery AGE RANGE: Adult SYNOPSIS: A murdered night club mogul unlocks a web of infidelity and deceit. The most likely suspect? The daughter of the richest family in Baltimore, if only Detectives Malcolm Khalaji and Seong-Jae Yoon can piece the evidence together. The clues just aren’t lining up—but Malcolm can’t tell if he’s missing a piece of the puzzle or completely missing the mark. The McAllister case still haunts him. So many...