Down the TBR Hole #7

November 19, 2017

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 965 titles (I might have removed a lot more Goosebumps books between last weekend and this weekend…)

Book 62:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I’ve read probably half of the content in this book (and some of his poems and stories, I’ve read a million times over through my life), but I swear I’m going to eventually read the entire thing front-to-back.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 63:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I went through a very brief period of time in which I thought I wanted to give more of V.C. Andrews’ books a try. Then, I reread one of her books at the start of this year, and… nah.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 64:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I read the first Sookie Stackhouse book years ago, and loved it! I own almost the entire series and keep swearing I’ll reread book 1 and continue it.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 65:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I love anthologies, and this collection of stories about bizarre paranormal events at weddings sounded really fun when I picked it up. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually get around to it, but for now…

The judgement: KEEP

Book 66:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

At the same time that I bought so many Goosebumps books super cheap, I got a ton of other RL Stine books, like some YA standalones and Fear Street titles. They always have the worst ratings on Goodreads, but they’re always so trashy and fun, so…

The judgement: KEEP

Book 67:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

Like I said, I do love my RL Stine YA books, even if they’re kind of awful.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 68:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

It’s like Freaky Friday, in YA horror formatting! I’ll definitely check this one out some time.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 69:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

This one is about a teen who will do anything (including murder) to steal a car he wants. It’s probably not for me.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 70:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

Okay, I have a confession to make. I know that fans of this series generally hate the film adaptation, because it was super cheesy and most of the acting was awful… but it is 100% my #1 “guilty pleasure” movie. I think Lena and Ethan are just precious, so I have to read this book eventually.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 71:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I’ve seriously owned this book for so freaking long, and I have no idea why I’ve never read it! I hear it’s really good and that Neal Shusterman is great at writing super creepy/terrifying-on-a-real-life-basis stories, and this one is about a society in which parents can “unwind” their kids (have them killed so their organs can go to other people, basically) if they aren’t living up to par. Isn’t that freaky?!

The judgement: KEEP

Book 72:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

I think this is supposed to be an MG thriller/horror, but the synopsis (a boy charged wrongfully with murder) honestly doesn’t sound like anything unique, and the ratings aren’t good enough for me to bother.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 73:


Date added to shelf: Dec 20, 2014

1) Again, I’m over VC Andrews, and 2) how the hell do I end up with #5 in a series being the only one from that series on my TBR?

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 74:


Date added to shelf: Dec 21, 2014

I own all 6 “parts” to this story, but only have the 1st one on my TBR, because honestly, I love the movie so much that I’m not sure I want to risk the books. What if they tamper with my love for the movie? Then again, it has a 4.49 average on GR, which is pretty damn high…

The judgement: KEEP

Book 75:


Date added to shelf: Dec 21, 2014

Again, I love horror anthologies, and this one is a collection of 4 short stories from King. I’m just hoping I like it better than Night Shift, though I’m expecting a totally different ballgame, since some of these stories are fairly recent.

The judgement: KEEP


Weird numbers again to make up for last week’s post, but starting next weekend, I’ll be upping my normal “Down the TBR Hole” posts to 15 titles per post so I can move a little faster!

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I loved the entire Beautiful Creatures series but I’ve never seen the movie. I keep hearing negative things about it so I probably won’t ever watch it. lol.

      1. Hahaha, I honestly wouldn’t blame you. I have NO CLUE why I love it so much. There’s just something really precious and innocent about the portrayal of Ethan, I think. The only thing I 100% hate about it is the portrayal of Lena – the acting is just NOT GOOD, lol. I swear her accent changes three times.

        1. That is upsetting! I loved loved loved Lena and Ethan’s relationship. Lena is awesome up until the third book and then she regains her awesomeness in the fourth book.

          1. I love the Beautiful Creatures series too! And I also agree, I won’t watch the movie 🙁 I have a friend who tried to read it but couldn’t because she disliked reading the southern accent – However, I’m easy with these things so didn’t mind.

            1. Right, understandable! I live in the south so southern accents are something I’m used to, despite not really having one of my own. On the other hand, it was a bit annoying during the movie probably only because I could tell how fake the accents were. ?

            1. :’) I live in England so it is very different for us! It made sense to have it written with a southern accent due to setting and story lines ETC.

            1. Yeah, that makes sense! Lol I have some friends from England and I’ve always thought it’s funny, how divided they are on US accents – about half of them think our accents are all terrible, and the other half go, “Oh, how cute!” I guess it’s all about perspectives and what you’re used to, since I think English accents are precious!

    1. I completely agree about the R.L. Stine Standalone books. Sometimes you just need a quick trashy read.

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