The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!
on the blog:
last week: | this week: |
✨ january TBR ✨ state of the ARC ✨ romance mini reviews ✨ december wrap ✨ january→march 5-star predictions |
✨ winter TBR jar ✨ review: the god game ✨ review: come tumbling down |
current reads:
- Ghoster
- Capturing the Devil
- Gideon the Ninth
- Ghostland
- The God Game
recently finished:
- A Heart So Fierce and Broken ❌ (I hated this so much I DNFed it 20-25% in.)
- Rafe ⭐⭐⭐?
- Bingo Love ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Imaginary Friend ❌ (I read the first 30% last summer and set it aside, tried picking it up again this week, and realized I just don’t care enough)
- The Apocalyptic Mannequin ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- The Hollow Girl ❌ (knocked out some overdue ARCs this week by sampling the first few chapters and deciding if I wanted to continue. Expect to see more of these quick-DNFs for the next few weeks!)
- The Glass Spare ❌ (see above)
- Come Tumbling Down ???????????
- The Invasion ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (reread/audiobook re-release)
up next:
I basically just need to read as much as humanly possible this week because I decided last night that I am BOUND AND DETERMINED!!!! to actually at least start every book on my January TBR… and there are a lot left. ;-;
new review arrivals:
- e-arcs:
- Seasons of the Storm
- The Only Good Indians
- My Dark Vanessa
- Leaders of the Pack (unsolicited)
- Gate 4: Volume One Episodes (unsolicited)
- print arcs:
- Gloom Town
- audio arcs:
- The Invasion (re-release/re-read)
Way too many new review copies this week, buuuut at least I already listened to the ALC for The Invasion (and adored it just as much as I remember loving it as a kid).
what I watched:
? Polaroid (2019) — ⭐? (Pretty awful.)
? Child’s Play (2019) — ? (WHY did I bother?!)
? Ready or Not (2019) — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Easily one of my favorite films I’ve seen in a LONG time!)
? Midsommar (2019) — ⭐⭐ (I honestly don’t remember the last time I was this disappointed in an anticipated film.)
what I’m listening to:
? No music, just more audiobooks this week!
what I’m playing:
? I didn’t really play anything this week, surprisingly 🙁
life updates:
This was a pretty laid-back week! Work was chill, I did some more booktube stuff, read a lot, and watched a lot of youtube videos. Sorry, there just isn’t much to report today! ?
a few last words:
— destiny ♥
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January 8, 2020Enjoy your reading! I can’t wait to read Come tumbling down, probably later this week!
January 8, 2020Sorry you were so disappointed in Midsommar! I liked it a bit more than you, but was also not immensely impressed. I probably wouldn’t watch it again. I am STOKED to see Ready or Not though and I’m excited that you liked it so much!! I’ve also been thinking of rereading Animorphs for a while and noticed that both you and another friend of mine JUST reread the first, which makes me want to do it even more. 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 30, 2020I’m so late answering this but Midsommar was literally one of the most disappointing movies of my life and I’m still salty about it lmao. Ready or Not, though, LOVE. And yes pls to Animorphs rereads!!
January 9, 2020I’m just a little bit envious of how much you’ve read! I’m currently on one book in 2020 haha – but so many good books! Excited to hear what you think of Gideon the Ninth because of mixed reviews I’ve heard! ?