It’s time for another weekly update!
last week: | this week: |
✨ loathe at first sight (adult contemporary RANT review) ✨ july haul |
✨ july #ARCApocalypse update ✨ july wrap ✨ ??? review |
(click the thumbnails to watch!)
No videos this week.
- The Shadow of What Was Lost
- The Unsuitable
- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- Cinderella is Dead
- House of Earth and Blood
- Illuminae ?
- The Only Good Indians
- The Ghost Tree
- Empire of Wild
- The Lost Hero
- When No One is Watching
- Vampires Never Get Old
⌛ set aside for now | ❌ permanent DNF | ? re-read
This was a tough week for reading, but I did finally get back in the mood to actually pick up a book last night!
- Loathe at First Sight ⭐⭐
- Unboxed ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- The Roommate ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
- The Song Rising ?????
I’m starting a few buddy reads this week that I’m really excited for:
- The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires (with Amber)
- My Dark Vanessa (with Ellyn)
- Beautiful Creatures (with Ellyn)
- This Savage Song (with Allana)
- Alice (with Evelyn — either this week or next, I think)
- Rules for Vanishing (with Bex & Reg — technically they just finished it and I’m a bit late, but that’s okay!)
Only 2 new eARCs this week, and I read one of them the same day I was approved! Way to go, me.
- Witches Steeped in Gold
- The Roommate (READ)
What a week. I spent more time than I should have on social media, the wall under our bedroom windows CAVED IN and we had to do some very unexpected home repairs (thank everything my dad is handy with this sort of thing and was able to fix it quickly and inexpensively), my spoons were at an all-time low both physically and mentally thanks to overdoing it last weekend, and… well, everything else feels like small potatoes because the book community lost a really wonderful human being this week.
Heather was one of the absolute kindest, most generous people I’ve ever met in my life. She was also one of my favorite people in the entire book community and one of a very few people who could keep me going on the days I just wanted to throw it all in and walk away. She always had good advice and was one of the best listeners you could ever ask for, and she seemed to always know when I most needed the distraction of a funny tiktok or Libra meme that she would send me. We would always talk about how we were Libra twins and I just knew that I was going to find a way somehow to make a trip up there and meet her and her husband and those precious pups she loved so much. It wrecks me knowing now that I won’t ever get that chance.
If you have a moment, please take a look at the GoFundMe for her medical bills and, even if you can’t donate, please share it anywhere you can. She didn’t have health insurance and had to undergo a lot of medical treatments lately, and it’s so unfair that her family is having to deal with those costs on top of the devastating loss of her presence. My heart hurts so fucking much for her family and I’m so angry at how badly our bullshit healthcare “system” in the US failed her.
I’m sorry this section of these posts has become such a dark and gloomy place a lot of the time lately, but I needed to be honest. But I also really want to honor Heather’s memory. She always had something positive and uplifting to say or a kind word to share about someone, and the least I can do to thank her for everything she gave me is to try to do the same. So, I’m going to try to find a few happy things to talk about every week.
3 good things I can focus on today:
- Our home repair went smoothly and only cost $100 when it could’ve been so much worse!
- My buddy read partners have all been patient with me even when I fall super behind schedule ♥
- My 4-year-old has discovered the joys of Mario Kart and offers me absolutely hilarious commentary every time he plays
Feel free to focus on the good stuff with me in the comments! What are 3 good things (or even 1 thing) you can focus on today?
— destiny ♥
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August 9, 2020I’m so sorry to hear about Heather? I didn’t know her but I’m sorry for your loss.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020Thank you <3
CJR The Brit
August 9, 2020So sorry for your loss. ❤
Witches Steeped in Gold is a book i really want, hope you enjoy.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020Thank you so much, friend. ♥ And it sounds wonderful, I’m hoping it’s as good as the hype surrounding it!
CJR The Brit
August 18, 2020I’ll look out for your review ❤
August 9, 2020aw babe, i’m so sorry for your loss. <3 glad your home repairs went so much better than they could have. let me know if you need anything! one positive thing for me is that i'm finally spending time with my family after five months; i'm staying with my mom indefinitely so i can switch my home circle to family instead of roomies.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020Thank you so much. ♥♥♥ awww, that’s wonderful!!! I’m so happy to hear it. My parents live next-door to us (on the same property lines technically) so we’ve quarantined with them and it’s been lovely. My heart hurts a lot for all the friends who have been missing family this year. ?
August 9, 2020Sorry for your loss! <3
Let me know whenever you're ready to read Alice!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020Thank you so much ♥ and I can’t wait for our buddy read!
D Hoisington
August 10, 2020I am so sorry for your loss and about your house! I hope this week will be better for you!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020Thank you so, so much <3
D Hoisington
August 18, 2020You are very welcome! ?
Bec @ bec&books
August 11, 2020I still can’t get over the cover of Witches Steeped In Gold ? And I can’t believe your wall just… caved in? Glad it was fixed cheaply.
Sending you loads of good vibes and wishes for the week ahead ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 18, 2020It’s so gorgeous!!
And omg, right? lmao I cried a little when it happened, not gonna lie. I just kinda… sat down and cried. ? We live in a very old house that was NOT built well, and it’s always something.
Thank you ♥♥