It’s time for another weekly update!
last week: | this week: |
✨ august 2019 haul/tbr checkpoint ✨t10t: books that should be adapted into video games (and vice-versa) ✨ bookish heavenly virtues tag |
✨ summerween TBR/sign-up ✨ top 10 tuesday ✨ tag thursday ✨ body talks (YA nonfiction review) |
(click the thumbnails to watch!)
I finally gave in and removed a lot of my current reads that I know I just don’t have any interest in continuing right this moment. Every single one I removed was one I want to pick back up and finish very soon, but this long-ass current reads list has been stressing me out! I mean, it’s still very long… but not nearly as long as it was.
? random pick | ✨ review copy | ? buddy read | ? re-read
✨? the ghost tree
✨? empire of wild
? the lost hero
✨ when no one is watching
✨? vampires never get old
✨? my dark vanessa
? worst laid plans: an anthology of vacation horror
✨? the southern book club’s guide to slaying vampires
✨ body talk
? this savage song
? alice
? beautiful creatures
⌛ set aside for now | ❌ permanent DNF | ? re-read | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited
I finally finished some books! Just two, and they both kinda sucked, but… it’s something!
? the housemates ⭐⭐
? go deep ⭐⭐⭐
Summerween starts this week, so I’ll be posting my TBR for that tomorrow! ?
? graphic novel/manga | ? eARC | ? ALC | ? print copy
Just one this week! This is actually a re-release of a backlist title I’ve been meaning to read for years.
? a house at the bottom of the lake
Whoo, this week was a DOOZY in the social media circles. What a time to return to twitter… which was probably a mistake in general, but we’ll see. I just really need to find a way to make my feed less BUSY. I wish so badly that twitter gave you an extra option alongside the “latest” or “top tweets” where you could just see your friends’ original tweets and not have a feed full of the same thing being RT’d or liked over and over again. ?
3 good things I can focus on today:
- Summerween starts tomorrow!
- It’s supposed to rain all week. I love thunderstorms and rainy days ?
- My kiddo (he’s 4) is suddenly obsessed with giving the cats treats, and so now the cats follow him around everywhere and it’s so cute ?
Feel free to focus on the good stuff with me in the comments! What are 3 good things (or even 1 thing) you can focus on today?
— destiny ♥
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August 23, 2020omg I’m usually stressed out when I have 2 books in my currently reading shelf, I don’t know how you do it!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 26, 2020I don’t know what’s wrong with me!!! I’m so stressed yet I keep doing this to myself!! lmao
August 23, 2020Enjoy your reading!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 26, 2020Thank you, you too! ♥
August 23, 2020Ohh summerween sounds so fun! Although I haven’t really found any horror that I found to be particularly good so far.. but I am a fan of thrillers!
Aww ahaha, i’m sure the kitty don’t mind that! Be careful however that it doesn’t take too much weight because of that new treat habits ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 26, 2020You could do thrillers for Summerween too, I bet! But I do hope you find some horror to your liking someday! 😀
Haha, thank you for your concern. Both of our kitties are super tiny (one was a runt as a kitten, and the other is just very petite), so we’re actually just happy they’re eating a little more! But we don’t let the little one get TOO enthusiastic with feeding them. 🙂
August 23, 2020the three good things that I can focus on today. one is that I’m not the only one still reading the southern book club’s guide to slaying vampires (i think we decided it’s a book that’s best to take your time with). two is this really good milkshake i have as im writing this because they always help with migraines. three is that i just realized today that i haven’t had a 2 star read since the beginning of the month and we love a good books streak.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 26, 2020LMAO NOT YOU CALLING US BOTH OUT IN #1. So true. A milkshake sounds phenom right now and HELL YES to a good books streak!!! ♥♥
Carolina @fictionologyst
August 24, 2020HoO is my fav series, I hope you like it!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 26, 2020Thank you! I’m enjoying it so far! 😀