WWW #7: January 9, 2019—a SLOW reading week…

January 9, 2019

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I had soooo many goals for this past week of reading, but starting my new job has taken me some time to adjust and feel normal again, so I haven’t done much but work, clean, sleep, and play with my son. I’m not going to beat myself up over it, but I do hope to do better next week! Here’s what I’m reading:

  1. Even If I Fall — 20%
  2. Darkfever — 20%
  3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (illustrated ed.) — REREAD — 6%

Like I said, I haven’t read much in the last week—just one short story collection, a poetry collection, and a manga:

  1. Darkest Hours — Mike Thorn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  2. Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  3. soft magic. — Upile Chisala ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Despite not finishing much, well… 2019 has quickly become The Year of DNFing for me. I DNFed a few things over the last week, and they were all ones I DNFed too quickly to rate, such as:

  1. The Traitor Prince — C. J. Redwine
  2. Parasite Life — Victoria Dalpe
  3. You Are Here — Dawn Lanuza

I also DNFed a couple of graphic novels and poetry collections that I don’t have on my Goodreads shelves, so I can’t remember which ones they were to add here, but just know that I’ve DNFed nearly a dozen books so far this year. ? This coming from the person who used to never DNF ANYTHING! I meant business when I said 2019 was gonna be my year of self-care, y’all!
I’m still working through my Late-a-thon TBR jar, but I think my goal this week is going to be to grab a stack of my overdue ARCs and read the first couple of chapters of each and see if there are any I simply don’t want to read anymore so I can remove them from my list. Otherwise, my goals are to finish all of my current reads and to start:

  1. The Last Olympian — Rick Riordan (buddy read  with Sylwia starts tomorrow!)
  2. If We Were Villains — M. L. Rio (starting a BR of this with Ellyn next week!)

Otherwise, I just really want to devote some serious time to knocking out the rest of the graphic novels I have from the library. Being a librarian means no late fees now, but I still want to return them in a reasonable amount of time! ?

Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I finished Even If I Fall last week. It was a little slow in the beginning for me but picked up quickly. I thought that it was going to be a DNF but then, I loved it! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did:) Oh and CONGRATS on the new job!

      1. Weird, same here!! At first it wasn’t clicking with me AT ALL and then it suddenly picked up, and by the end, I gave it 4 stars easily. 🙂 Glad you liked it too!! And thank you so much! <3

    1. You’re an actual librarian?! What a fantastic job… I’m a fan of the DNF! Life’s too short…

    1. I haven’t started in on the HP reread yet (my illustrated ed is at home and I’m on holiday for a couple more days). I should read the Monte Cristo manga for the Late-a-thon this month. Also — 2019 is totally the year of DNF!!! I put down two books last wk!

      1. I’ve barely made any progress at all on HP (literally the first chapter… lmao) because I’ve been trying to read the illustrated ed. and it’s just not happening! It’s hard because it’s so big that I need space to read it and my son wants to play with the pages and I’m paranoid he’ll rip it up (since it was a gift and they’re not cheap to replace)! I finally caved this morning and decided to switch to the ebook so I can read it on my breaks at work. 🙁 I’ll try again with the illustrated one when my kid is older and can appreciate it lol! And way to go on the DNFs, I think it’s a good act of self-care for us! ?

        1. LOL oh not good! He’ll love it when he’s a bit older though!!
          Also I’m going to keep DNFing more and more, so good for us! ☺️

    1. ooo I’ve been meaning to read DarkFever. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Fingers crossed for an epic rest of your January both reading wise and work wise! 😀

    1. I can totally relate to a slow reading week! I’ve been reading the same book since last Wednesday and I’m still only halfway through!
      Wow, you’re rocking it with the dnf-ing! I hope you’re able to pick up more books that you enjoy in the near future and that adjusting to your new job continues to go well!
      Happy Reading! 🙂

      1. I hope your reading has picked up some! It seems like January has been a hard reading month on a lot of us! I guess it’s hard with the new year and all the new resolutions and such, plus recovering from the holidays, and seasonal depression for a lot of people in the northern hemisphere… it’s wild! But I hope yours has improved <3 and thank you!!

    1. Oof I am with you my friend on the juggling of a new job with blogging and reading (and I submitted my PhD application today so I haven’t had tonnes of time). Last week I DNF’d one of my ARCs I’d had since last year, and I’m currently slowly making my way through another one (I’m currently at 60%). I’m hoping to get that one over with by tomorrow as I have so many more I need to read!
      Hope the new job is going okay though! I started mine yesterday 😀

      1. Oh man, good luck on your PhD app!! That’s awesome! My dad and Terry keep asking if I’m gonna go for mine but as of right now I don’t really want to, but I definitely think I might later in life. And congrats on your new job! How’s it going? What are you doing? (Sorry if you’ve mentioned it, I’ve been so out of the loop lately!!) Mine is going well, thank you ♥

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