WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
I still didn’t get fully back into my normal routine over the last week, but I’m doing better than I was!
- Darkfever — 23%
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone — REREAD — 35%
- A Curse So Dark and Lonely — 8%
- The Last Olympian — 56%
- If We Were Villains — 8%
- Ripley’s Believe It or Not ⭐⭐⭐
- Even If I Fall ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Race Me in a Lobster Suit ⭐
- Gyo ⭐⭐⭐
- The Woods, Vol. 1 ⭐⭐⭐
- In Real Life ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Orange: The Complete Collection, Vol. 1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Giant Days, Vol. 1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- The Same Deep Water as You (no rating)
- A Girl Like Her (REREAD) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- The Midwinter Mail-Order Bride ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have a few more graphic novels I need to finish and return to the library this week, plus some review copies I’d like to pick up over the next week:
- Giant Days, Vol. 2
- Giant Days, Vol. 3
- Giant Days, Vol. 4
- Orange: The Complete Collection, Vol. 2
- 99 Percent Mine
- Goodbye, Perfect
January 16, 2019A Curse so Dark and Lonely is on my TBR! Not sure how much priority I should put on it though, do you like it so far??
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019I really like it so far! I will say that my first impression has been that it’s pretty dark for YA fantasy, so if that bothers you, maybe be aware of that beforehand — the opening scene is literally talking about a mass murder, basically.
January 16, 2019Great post, I hope you enjoy A Curse so Dark and Lonely 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Thank you, friend! ♥ It’s been good so far, but I keep forgetting to make progress in it because I’m just not reading much right now. I’m still hoping I can knock out the rest of it by the next WWW post!
Erin Eliza
January 16, 2019i’m really interested in your thoughts on the Fever series!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Right now, I’m a little over half through Darkfever, and I have SUPER mixed thoughts. On one hand, the plot is so interesting and I love that the fae are actually scary and gruesome and wicked? But on the other hand, Mac annoys the everloving hell out of me every time she opens her mouth and I want to scream over what a “Mary Sue” she is. ? But I’ve heard she gets MUCH better around book 3 or so, and I’m invested enough (plus it moves quickly enough) that I definitely think I’ll continue the series.
Erin Eliza
January 22, 2019I only made it through book 5 but I think I want to go back and reread and then push through the rest of the series. I also had mixed feelings often and I DEF wanted to shake Mac a few handful of times but there are so many other parts of the world and story that make you stick around. I’m gonna keep my peepers open for your review haha.
✩ Ashley ✩
January 16, 2019I finally picked up HP today!!! (Woohoo!!) I’m also considering joining the group read for A Girl Like Her in Feb and you’re just enabling me clicking that “buy” button ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Haha yaaaaay! A Girl Like Her is so good. ♥
✩ Ashley ✩
January 19, 2019It’s good I still have a stack to get thru in the next 10 days or I would have started it I’m immediately ?
January 16, 2019You read 11 books in one week, that’s awesome
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Thank you! I had to knock out those graphic novels so I could return them to the library. 🙂
January 16, 2019I really badly want to read A Curse So Dark And Lonely! ? Also, Orange is amazing! Heartbreaking but SO good!! ? It was my first time ever trying manga/graphic novels.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Curse has been so good so far! And omg, Orange. I seriously was so emotional while reading it, but in the BEST way. Just… wow. ♥ What a great intro to manga for you!!
Rachel @ Typed Truths
January 17, 2019giant days! ? i’m up to the fourth volume and it’s so good
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019I’m starting volume 4 next and loving the series so much so far!
tasya @ the literary huntress
January 17, 2019i finished if we were villains in the last days of 2018 and it was amazing! i hope you’ll love it as much as i did 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Awesome! I feel so bad for my buddy read partner, Ellyn, because we were supposed to finish it today and I’m only 30 pages in. ? But I love it so far!
Kathy @ Books & Munches
I’m, like, eagerly awaiting your opinion on that one and it’s driving me a bit insane. Q.Q
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019?? I’m just so bad at reading this month! I’m still hoping to finish Curse by the end of my 3-day weekend, so hopefully I’ll have a review going up this week?
Kathy @ Books & Munches
January 22, 2019I wish I could haunt you. Seriously. Here I am, waiting impatiently for the thing to arrive in my mailbox while you can read it and DON’T. [Sorry, the frustration is real on this one xD]
Tiffany G.
January 17, 2019It baffles me how much you read! I definitely wish I could read like you!!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Aww, thank you! <3
Avery @ RedRocketPanda
January 17, 2019How do you read so much at the same time?! I can just about keep track of one book lol I did finish two books this week though which is pretty good going for me!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019I dunno, the older I get, I think it’s just the best way for my ADHD to function as a reader? I have a really hard time sitting down and reading a big chunk of the same book in one sitting. I used to be able to just binge read one book at a time and I really miss that but I can’t focus that well anymore! And congrats <3
January 17, 2019I cannot wait for your thoughts on a curse so dark and lonely! 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019So far, so good! 😀 I’m really hoping to finish it and get a review posted in the next few days.
January 17, 2019Holy crap you finished alot of books! #goals
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
January 19, 2019Haha thank you!!