10 seasonal TBR leftovers [Top 10 Tuesday]

July 26, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s theme is “books from past seasonal TBRs I STILL haven’t read”, which is a prompt I’m all about because I LOVE looking back on old TBR lists and seeing how many books I’ve read from them! I dug around through my archives and went all the way back to my oldest seasonal TBRs, so I’m going to list 10 old seasonal TBR picks that are still on my TBR along with what season/year’s TBR list they’re from.

10 books from past seasonal TBRs:

  • Darkdawn // Jay Kristoff → summer 2019 TBR
    • I haven’t been ready to say goodbye yet, plus I want to re-read the first 2 books.
  • Wolfsong // T.J. Klune → summer 2019 TBR
    • I actually finally bought a copy of this recently and plan on reading it soon!
  • Tunnel of Bones // V.E. Schwab → fall 2019 TBR
    • I think this one miiight make its way onto my fall TBR this year.
  • Children of the Dark // Jonathan Janz → spring 2020 TBR
    • No idea how I haven’t read this one yet since it’s one of Jonathan’s most popular!
  • Shiver // Maggie Stiefvater → spring 2020 TBR
    • I haven’t been in the mood for this series lately, but maybe soon.

  • Riot Baby // Tochi Onyebuchi → summer 2020 TBR
    • This is on my 2022 TBR and I definitely plan on reading it before the end of the year!
  • Alice // Christina Henry → summer 2020 TBR
    • This is another book that I have no idea how I haven’t read yet, but I’m starting to think I could theme a future TBR around this list… 🤔
  • House of Earth and Blood // Sarah J. Maas → summer 2020 TBR
    • Caro and Malli and I are buddy reading this next month!
  • The Only Good Indians // Stephen Graham Jones → fall 2020 TBR
    • Ooooh, this would be another good one for an upcoming TBR… 👀 I’m plotting while typing this, heh.
  • Rules for Vanishing // Kate Alice Marshall → fall 2020 TBR
    • Another one I REALLY want to read soon, and I think it’s even on my 2022 TBR.

Have you read any of these books?
Let me know in the comments, and feel free to drop a link to your T10T post for the week!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I liked Shiver, though I read it years ago.

      I find that my desire to read particular books depends on a lot of timing issues. If I don’t read a book soon after I place it on my TBR it will likely get shoved to the side by something else. My TTT list

      1. I totally get what you mean about timing issues! I have a TBR cart dedicated to recent hauls and it has helped a little, but truly, there’s nothing like reading a book you JUST hauled, and I wish I would do that more often lol.

    1. I was so ridiculously excited for HoEaB and even PO’d the Waterstones edition for it and yet I still haven’t read it! Surprisingly, I *have* read Rules for Vanishing because I wanted to scare myself at one point (lol) and I really enjoyed that one! Wolfsong is a very recent addition to my TBR and I can’t wait to read it ? I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them, Destiny! ?

      1. Thank you, Dini! I’m finally reading HoEaB right now and LOVING it, but I feel you on being so excited and then not reading it for this long. ? I’m glad you liked Rules for Vanishing – I think I’m going to put it on my fall TBR! Also, let me know if you’d like to buddy read Wolfsong! ?

    1. Wolf Song is soooo good. I think you’ll like that one a lot. Same with Shiver — that whole series was really good. House of Earth and Blood is good, too, but it took me a bit to sink into the world. I hope you love all of these!

    1. Tunnel of Bones, Rules for Vanishing, and Shiver, loved all three of these books! Would recommend them. 🙂 Good luck with your TBR!

      1. Thank you! I’m 165pg into the first Crescent City book right now and totally kicking myself for waiting so long because it is SO good so far! I hope you end up liking it, too. 🙂

      1. HoEaB is ginormous! ? It goes quicker than I expected it to so far, though – I read the first 165pg yesterday and felt like I had flown through them! I always forget how fast SJM’s writing moves for me. I hope you’ll enjoy it. I really like it so far! 😀 and I can’t wait to revisit the Nevernight series, I’m so ready!

    1. Crescent City is SOOO good!!! I really want to read Wolfsong! I hope you find time to get to some of these. Have a wonderful week, Destiny! <3

      My Top Ten!

      1. Ooooh… I totally just asked Dini about a Wolfsong buddy read – we could make it a group read?! (Unless either or both of you have read it in the past couple of weeks since I’m so late replying to this lol!!)

        1. Ohhh!! Let’s do it! I don’t think she has read it yet. Maybe shoot for Sept?? August is slam full!! Haha

    1. I really enjoyed Shiver, it’s been so long but I remember how wintry and atmospheric it was! I also got really scared while reading Rules for Vanishing, definitely a great halloween book!

      1. Ooooh, perfect! I really was wondering if Rules for Vanishing would be scary or more just a mystery, so I’m excited to hear this! 😀 Also good to know about Shiver being wintry and atmospheric, I might have to put it on my winter TBR finally! Thank you!

      1. Lol I’m so worried about Shiver aging poorly, too! ? I basically plan on going into it with NO expectations outside of a potentially silly, nostalgic paranormal fantasy read, so hopefully it will be fun regardless. ?

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