2023 Reading Goals: FINAL Check-in!

February 13, 2024

how many of my 2023 goals did I accomplish?

I know it’s February already and I meant to write this post last month, but better late than never! Since I did quarterly check-ins with my 2023 goals last year, I thought it would be fun to do a wrap-up post showing you all how far into my 2023 goals I got. How did you do with your 2023 goals?

1. Goodreads challenge

I completed my Goodreads goal on August 5th! My goal was 120 books and I ended the year at 206.

2. 2023 TBR

I picked 12 books for my 2023 TBR intending to read 1 per month. I didn’t entirely finish my 2023 TBR, but I did read most of the books on the list! The only books I didn’t pick up were:

These are still high on my TBR list, though!

3. Seasonal TBRs

I definitely struggled with my seasonal TBRs last year; in fact, the only one I managed to completely finish was my 2023 winter TBR! Oof, that autumn one hurts. 😂 These are the seasonal TBR books I didn’t get to last year:

4. 2023 series goals

I picked 10 series I wanted to finish in 2023, and I made a bit of progress, but ended up rolling a few of these over to my 2024 series list. Here’s what was left:

5. Make smaller TBRs

I think October might have been the only month I failed at this goal, so I consider it a huge success! I limited myself to about 6 books per month for most of my monthly TBR lists.

6. Read 4+ TBR jar picks per month

I failed HARD at this goal in 2023. 😂 In fact, I failed so hard at it that I totally re-vamped my jars for this year’s version of the challenge!

7. Fewer current reads at one time

I did end up going over my “6 concurrent reads” limit for a few weeks at a time once or twice, but I mostly stuck to it very well and I think I ended 2023 with something like 3 current reads.

how did your 2023 goals?

which books from my incomplete goals do you think I should read first?!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Looks like you made good progress with most of your goals ❤️ I hope you get around the reading Our Last Echoes, I really enjoyed it! I finally tracked all of my ongoing series recently and now I’m planning to tackle at least some of them ?

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