April was a pretty quiet month for me at 16 books (I typically average 20-25). I hit a major fantasy slump, and then it progressed into a full-on everything slump. I spent about 2 weeks of this month reading a max of 50 pages a day. That said, over the last few days, I’ve gradually come out of that slump, and I still had some pretty good reads this month.
(By the way, I read five books for the ApTHRILL challenge!)
RTC = “review to come”
Six of Crows (review)
A Girl Like Her (RTC)
A Gathering of Shadows (RTC)
! Undead Girl Gang (review)
Into the Gray (GR mini review)
! The Way You Make Me Feel (RTC)
Bad Romance (RTC)
A Court of Wings and Ruin (reread review)
The Hobbit (review)
! Devils Unto Dust (review)
Throne of Glass (RTC)
! The Devil and the Deep (RTC)
! Ace of Shades (review)
! Time Was (review)
Birthday Girl (RTC)
! White Rabbit (review)
Ash Princess (18%)
Strange the Dreamer (15%)
LIFEL1K3 (29%)
Crooked Kingdom (36%)
Other Reviews Posted this Month…
The Raven King
City of Ashes
Burning the Bacon
A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
What I Leave Behind
Gray Wolf Island
The Wicker King
May 3, 2018That’s sad about Strange the Dreamer 🙁 do you think you’ll go back to it in the future?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Oh, I’m actually still in the middle of it! 🙂 I’m definitely not DNFing it – it’s way too good for that. I hit a BAD fantasy slump in April that made me slow down on it big time, but now some friends of mine are starting a group read of it later this month, so I agreed to set it aside and resume it with them in a week or two!
May 8, 2018Oh ok 🙂 I know that slumpy feeling all to well. I highly recommend the audio book too if you like those!
Elise @ Roaming Reader
May 3, 2018Ah you’ve read so much this month! Congrats!
Elise @ Roaming Reader
May 3, 2018Wait lol just saw that this many books is less than normal for you! Wow teach me your ways lol I consider 5 books to be impressive for me!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Haha aww, no, it totally just varies based on the person! Like, I don’t know if this sounds silly, but if I’m used to reading 20 per month, 15 feels like a slow month to me – but my fiance is used to reading 3-5 a month, so when he hits 5 books in one month, I’m legit like, “OMG!!! THAT’S SO AWESOME!” and totally cheering for him bahaha! Honestly, I just love hearing about people’s reading wraps and goals! ♥
Elise @ Roaming Reader
May 7, 2018I totally get this! I’ve honestly always been a slower reader so when I see people with large wrap ups, i just have to remind myself that I’m not them so we’re gonna read a different amount of books each month (plus everyone has good months and bad months) hopefuly I’ll be able to read a lot more this may since I’m now out of school for the summer ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018I hope you can! 😀 That’s the best part about school breaks, haha! Happy reading, love ♥
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Thank you so much Elise!
May 3, 201816 books is still a lot to read and you read some awesome books too!
Also, I can’t wait read your review on Throne of Glass! I’m currently listening to Heir of Fire on audiobook and its great!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Awww thank you love! ♥ I’m glad you’re enjoying HoF – I hear that’s the favorite of a lot of the series fans!
May 7, 2018My favorite so far was CoM. So I’m hoping this one is a favorite! These damn books are huge though, the audiobook is 17 CDs! ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018OMG, that’s wild haha! My fiance loves loooong audiobooks – he’s been listening to stuff like Name of the Wind and such lately and some of those types of audiobooks are 50+ hours. It’s wild to me!
May 8, 2018Oh damn! I applaud him!
I just started listening to audiobooks this year so I’m a newbie.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 11, 2018Haha right? I don’t think I ever finished a full audiobook until last fall! Right now I’m working on one called A Head Full of Ghosts by… Paul Tremblay, I think is the author’s name? I needed something new to listen to on my drive home from swimsuit shopping, so I found it on the Libby app and it didn’t have a wait on it. I thought it’d be okay but now I’m HOOKED! I was even listening to it while doing laundry today lol!
May 11, 2018I looked it up and that book sounds pretty good!
May 3, 2018It kills me that your slump month ends up being twice as many books as a good month for me. I mean, it doesn’t kill me, but I am envious. 🙂 I had a pretty bad slump (reading and general) this month as well. Hopefully May is better for both of us! <3
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Awww, I’m sorry your April wasn’t a great reading month, either! 🙁 I sure hope so! Happy reading, gorgeous ♥
Fafa's Book Corner
May 3, 2018I’m glad you liked so many books!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018Thank you! ♥
Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
May 4, 2018I probably would’ve cried if you didn’t love Six of Crows. So happy you enjoyed it! I can’t wait to see your thoughts on Crooked Kingdom! <3
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 7, 2018You and me both, lmao! I just finished CK a few hours ago and I’m just emotionally DRAINED.
Kathy @ Books & Munches
May 16, 2018Five books for ApTHRILL is not bad AT ALL! 😀
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 20, 2018Thank you! ♥ I love your challenges because they always motivate me to knock out some titles I’d been putting off, haha.
Kathy @ Books & Munches
May 22, 2018That’s what they’re for! Wish they’d still motivate me but they.. haven’t been.. Ugh. :’)