Another new month means another new TBR!
The themes for this month’s TBR are…
- Moody May — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we focus on mood reading!
Aaaand that’s it! I’m totally devoting this month to Moody May by not making a TBR at all.
That said… this would be a pretty darn quick and boring post if I left it at that, so here are a few books I’m hoping I’ll be in the mood for this month:
- SIDE NOTE: I’m adopting a new challenge for myself! From now on, every time I purchase a physical book (ebooks don’t count), I’m going to try to read it within ONE MONTH of hauling it! There’s not going to be any weird self-punishment for failing or anything, it’s just something I’d like to make myself more conscious of so I can stop buying things and letting them sit on my shelf for a long time. That’s why you’ll see the new “recent haul” code in the emoji key below!
? buddy/group reads | ? graphic novels/manga |
? poetry | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited |
? reread | ✨ review copy | ? recent haul
- Check, Please! Book 2: Sticks & Scones ??
I am so excited to revisit this series, though I might reread Book 1 first! - The Only Good Indians ✨
I’ve been so excited about this that I can’t believe I haven’t read it yet. I have a copy from BookishFirst, and you get bonus points for posting a review on release day, so that’s what I’m aiming for. - Take a Hint, Dani Brown ✨
Honestly, how have I not already read this? - The Mime Order ?
This is… unofficially officially on my TBR, sort of? I’m supposed to buddy read this with Jules! - The Serpent’s Shadow ?
Also unofficially officially on my TBR, since I’m buddy reading this with Ellyn. Shhh… I know I’m breaking the Moody May rules, but let me have this.
Leftover Reads from April:
What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?
— destiny ♥
May 1, 2020Best of luck with your TBR! Happy May!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Thank you, you too!
H. R Phoenix, Author
May 1, 2020Great collection of books you got there! Hope they all turn out fantastic and best of luck! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Laura Beth
May 1, 2020I’m excited to finish The Ocean at the End of the Lane!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Oooh, I haven’t read that in such a long time! How are you liking it?
Laura Beth
May 5, 2020I like it so far. Gaiman is a master storyteller!
May 1, 2020I hope you have a great reading month!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Thank you, love, you too!
May 1, 2020That’s a fantastic tbr Destiny!!! I have my eyes on Take a Hint, Dani Brown, I just love her titles, and I’m excited to start it.
Whimsically Meghan
May 1, 2020I’m going to be starting The Bone Season this month and I’m super excited since it’s been sitting on my shelf for 3 years ?
I hope you have an amazing month! 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Awesome, I hope you like it! 😀 You, too!
Whimsically Meghan
May 6, 2020I ended up devouring the first book… wow! Such great writing and story! 🙂
May 1, 2020Looks like you have a wonderful reading plan! I really enjoyed the books I read from The Bone Season, I hope you do too. I really want to get to The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel.
Bec @ bec&books
May 4, 2020Good luck to your reading newly hauled books. I know it would never work for me haha. I really need to factor in the Devour you TBR themes into my own lists more. Next month I swear!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Thank you! This was my second time reading TBS and I loved it even more. I can’t wait to finally pick up book 2! 😀 I hope you enjoy your reads this month!
May 8, 2020Thank you!
May 1, 2020Yesss for mood reading. I had to stop creating TBRs during this quarantine. I was too sad so I picked fun books over my typical dark, morally grey. haha.
I’m about to reread The Bone Season! But closer to the end of the month. I read it for the first time 5-6 years ago before it was super popular. I’m glad I’m rereading it now that more people are discovering.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Same on picking happy, fun books right now, lol! I can’t get into any of my sad, gloomy stuff and it bums me out a little. ? I hope you enjoy your reread! I loved it so much more this time.
May 1, 2020I’m hoping to read Check, Please soon too! I can’t wait to continue our Riordan buddy read!
Also, you’re seriously making me want to read The Bone Season!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020I think I’m gonna reread book 1 of Check Please before reading book 2! Lmk if you want to read them together! <3
May 6, 2020Ooh yes pls! Let me know when you’re about to pick them up and I’ll join you!
Kal @ Reader Voracious
May 1, 2020Yaaas for mood reading, I hope this month is filled with great reads for you! And I like the little challenge you have in place… after my impulse buying last month I probably need to implement something similar for myself.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
May 5, 2020Thank youuuu! <3 So far, it's actually been super motivating because it makes me not want to buy much. ? I hope this month is full of amazing reads for you too, my love!
Mrs. Ram Jam
May 2, 2020I’m most excited to read The Bone Witch this month.
May 2, 2020I was hoping to read Red Sister for Wyrd & Wonder this month but it’s going to many weeks before the digital copy is available through my library. I did read Ghost Squad a few weeks ago – it’s a quick fun and spooky read. I have The Only Good Indians on my TBR so I’ll keep an eye out for your review