I’ve decided to join a new monthly meme: State of the ARC, hosted by Avalinah’s Books! That link will take you right to the meme’s home page, so definitely check it out if you’re not familiar with it.
Basically, the meme is intended to motivate you to catch up on your ARCs! At the end of every month, everyone posts their progress for the month. The meme’s description says it’s for overdue ARCs, but I have a lot of unreleased ones to be read, too, so I think I’ll be counting both.
(image credit to Avalinah’s Books)
My current State of the ARC…
July’s progress…
In July, I completed SIX UNRELEASED review copies, and FOUR OVERDUE review copies, two of which I DNFed.
While I did knock out ten from my TBR in July, I also acquired TWENTY-SIX new review copies (16 physical, 10 digital). Thankfully, I’ve already read a few of them! I think I need to start reading ARCs even more than I did in July to keep up, though. (Whoops…)
That’s it for my first State of the ARC meme! Thanks again to Evelina for hosting such a fun and motivational meme. Since August is #ARCAugust, I’m hoping these numbers will be drastically lower this time next month!
Nerd Narration
July 30, 2018You got SLAYER?!!?!?!?!?!? OMG I’M DYING. DYING TO READ THAT!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018I did! I was SHOCKED. I got declined multiple times for Bright We Burn AND was declined 2 or 3 times (I don’t recall) for The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, so I almost didn’t even request this… and then THIS is the one I get? Go figure. :/ You should try requesting it on Edelweiss! That’s where I got it.
(Danielle) Books, Vertigo and Tea
July 30, 2018Haha you make me feel so much better about my own ARC TBR ? it is not near as larger. Which is a good and bad thing? Not sure.. have to think on that ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018Bahahaha! It sounds to me like you’re much more disciplined than I am, so I’d say you should call it a good thing ???
(Danielle) Books, Vertigo and Tea
July 30, 2018Haha fair enough 😉
Erin Eliza
July 30, 2018Dang I can’t even imagine being at this level with ARCs! I’ve only ever received one so far lol. I feel like I would definitely need a spreadsheet or meme like this to keep up with it all.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018I do keep a spreadsheet, otherwise I would totally lose track of them! Seriously though, all I can say is never be afraid to ask for an ARC! The worst that will happen is you don’t get it, but I have been approved for some that literally made me GASP when I got the approval because I thought there was NO WAY they’d give it to me!
Erin Eliza
July 31, 2018Do you request directly to the publisher or do mainly just through netgalley and edelweiss??
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 31, 2018A mixture of all of the above, really! Netgalley and Edelweiss are awesome because they’re quicker and easier and I find that it can *sometimes* be easier to get the “big” ARCs that way. That said, sometimes just reaching out goes a long way – there are hyped releases that I’ve been turned down for on Edelweiss, but then requested a print ARC and they sent it right out! Plus, if you’re actually communicating directly with a publicist and they grow to like your efforts, sometimes they’ll offer you extras, which is so cool. I have met some really amazing and lovely publicists (like the guy who does my Tor.Com requests, Mordicai – he is THE nicest, especially if you’re into adult horror and SFF novellas).
Erin Eliza
August 2, 2018Dang I need to get some more experience with this. I’ve only requested a few things from Netgalley and Edelweiss. When you reach out to a publicist directly do you usually do it through email??
Also I love us having 839489 different comment thread convos haha
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 2, 2018Yes, always through email! I look up the book on Goodreads and then look up the publicity contact for whatever publisher is listed. Sometimes, if I’m feeling like putting in the time, I’ll check the “contact” section on the author’s website, because every now and then they’ll actually have a section that says, “For ARC requests of ____, please email____” and that is SUPER helpful because I find that you’re a lot more likely to be approved if you can directly contact the publicist for that title as opposed to going through the general address form. I can also help you with email formatting if you need it. ♥
July 30, 2018Wow, We Set The Dark On Fire and Opposite of Always on your TBR, that’s incredible, I am so, so, so very impatient to get my hands on both of these books, they sound incredible! 😀 Happy reading! 😀
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018I hope you’re able to get both of them soon, Marie! They sound like such gorgeous, incredible stories. Thank you, you too!
July 30, 2018Omg so many ARCs! I’d be stressing haha and so happy to see you loved Spinning Silver like so many people did, I recently got it and can’t wait to read it now ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018That’s my secret, I’m always stressed ? thank you! I hope you love it too ?
July 30, 2018You got Rule! HMH is so mean to me. But Penguin Randomhouse and HarperCollins Lurve me…………. I wonder how they decide. Is it like eenie meenie miney moe… I mean how do I get the Wicked King, Fresh Ink, Odd One Out, and Two Can Keep a Secret but not The Grim Lovelies… it is like being jilted by a lover. And I haven’t even been doing this for a month lol. I’m sure some of it is my education background but still. lol
Hell in the course of 15 minutes Harper just approved The Light Between Worlds, What if Its Us and the Disasters (which isn’t highly anticipated but I couldn’t stay away from something claiming to be a cross between the Breakfast Club and Guardians of the Galaxy- train wreck of brilliance right there!)
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 30, 2018Oh wow! For what it’s worth, I would very happily trade Rule for The Wicked King if I could, lol. Sorry HMH hasn’t been kind to you, but if you’ve only been doing it less than a month, don’t fret. Most publishers ask bloggers not to send requests at all until they’ve been blogging 6 months.
tasya @ the literary huntress
July 31, 2018I really need to join this meme, I think it will help to motivate me to read my ARCs. But at the same time, it could backfire because I was too stressed out looking at the statistics and ended up not reading anything ?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 31, 2018Bahahaha, yeah, you definitely would have to make sure you don’t just obsess over the stats!!
July 31, 2018Eyyyy I’m going to be starting State of the ARC soon although my ARC pile is very small compared to many other bloggers :’) you receive more ARCs per month than I have in my entire ARC pile!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 31, 2018Yay, I’m glad you’re joining in! Aw, I’m sorry, love. 🙁 I wish I could fix all of the obstacles facing you all as international bloggers. ♥
July 31, 2018I’m pretty sure the meme is for any kind of ARC, it’s just that it’s especially useful for clearing out overdue ones?
Wow, I see you have some pretty low-rated books there, but many five-stars too! I’m so curious about Naomi Novik because everyone has been recommending her.
I have an ARC of I Do Not Trust You as well – I got an e-mail with a widget and I didn’t realise that if I click on it for more info, it automatically puts it on my shelf… so I figured I might as well download it then.
Aah The Tiger at Midnight looks beautiful!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 31, 2018I think you’re right, Alexa! 😀 And even if it’s not, we’ll just pretend, lol!
This was my first Naomi Novik read, and I REALLY recommend checking her work out after it, because her writing voice is just absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Haha yep, I’ve been there!! Hopefully you will enjoy it and it’ll be worth it. I wasn’t 100% sure about it when I was asked to join the blog tour, because YA thrillers are hit and miss for me, but it sounded cool!
Yessss, I am in love with that cover for Tiger at Midnight! ♥
Stephanie Jane
July 31, 2018Glad to meet another State Of The Arc-er! And you got Spinning Silver – I so want to read this 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 31, 2018Nice to meet you! ? Oh, it was excellent – I hope you get the chance to read it soon!
Kaleena @ Reader Voracious
August 1, 2018I am still so jealous that you got Slayer and cannot wait to hear your thoughts! My request on Edelweiss has been pending for ages so I am crossing my fingers.
I am looking forward to your progress with this meme! I might join in next month — depending on if I actually manage to get my ARCs under control or not.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 1, 2018Ahhh, I’m crossing my fingers *for* you!! Hopefully they approve you soon and we can buddy read it. I grew up watching Buffy and am pretty particular about it (like I’m actually very unhappy that they’re doing a new show or whatever), so I’m nervous for this, lol.
And thank you, I hope you do! ♥ Even if you don’t feel like you have them under control (I sure as shit don’t LMAO), maybe it will help motivate you!
Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks
August 4, 2018Yay welcome to the State!! Happy to see you with us 🙂
Wow, you made some amazing looking charts. Loving them. It looks pretty good, actually! My numbers look more ominous 😀
Good luck with reading and the stats in August 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 4, 2018Thank youuuuu! I’m very interested to see how my stats will look by the end of August. On one hand, I’m planning on knocking a bunch out, but on the other hand, as you saw, I got a little over-excited on Edelweiss yesterday lol!
JJ @ This Dark Material
August 4, 2018Your numbers are looking great! I’m curious what you’ll think of Empire of Sand. It’s caught my eye in the last couple of months, but I’m still waiting to hear back on review request. And you got Slayer! I have absolutely no luck on Edelweiss, although I’m always tempted to try again for books like that. Hope you love it 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 4, 2018Thank you! 🙂 I hope you get approved for it. I’m really excited to read Empire of Sand and Slayer. I would totally say to try again! They left my request pending for a few weeks but ultimately approved it. I was kind of surprised! 🙂 Thanks, happy reading!
Andreea P.
August 5, 2018Welcome to State of the ARC! And good job on completing so many ARCs last month – DNFed totally count. Keep up with the great numbers and happy reading in August!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 5, 2018Thank you so much! 🙂 Happy reading! ♥
August 8, 2018whew you did awesome though!
its like a never ending process with our ARCs :’)
i look forward to seeing how much you read this month
State of the ARC
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 8, 2018Thank you! Haha it really is 🙂 Happy reading and good luck with your ARCs this month!
Katie @Just Another Girl and Her Books
August 10, 2018I wish I had your State of the ARC numbers…of course if I had your ARC reading commitment, I might. Good job!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
August 11, 2018Aw, thank you Katie!! 🙂 I appreciate it!