T10T: Most Anticipated July-December 2019 Releases

June 18, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

In an unusual turn of events, I’m actually following the prompt this week: my most anticipated releases of the second half of 2019, sorted in order of release! 

I’m not counting anything I’ve already read or am currently reading, so you might notice a few of my most hyped books missing from this list, like Gideon the Ninth (which I am reading and loving!).



1. Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
august 20th, 2019 

A whole collection of my favorite type of horror: ghost stories!


2. Darkdawn
september 3rd, 2019

I’m slowly savoring Godsgrave right now, even though I have an ARC of Darkdawn, just because I know I don’t want it to end.


3. His Hideous Heart
september 10th, 2019

A collection of Poe retellings? You mean Poe, the guy I singlehandedly credit for my very early-formed love of poetry, gothic fiction, horror, and melancholy tales? *swoon*


4. Full Throttle
october 1st, 2019

I love Joe’s short stories and I can’t wait to see what kind of bizarre, creepy stuff he came up with this time.


5. Angel Mage
october 1st, 2019

This premise just sounds so cool. We need more fantasy stories about angels and/or demons, that’s all I’m sayin’.


6. Hex Life: Wicked New Tales of Witchery
october 1st, 2019

I mean… y’all know me, right?


7. Laughter at the Academy
october 31st, 2019

I love everything I’ve read by Seanan, but I think she especially excels at short stories, so I am SO EXCITED for this collection of some of her shorts!


8. Get a Life, Chloe Brown
november 5th, 2019

Oh, Talia, my fave. ♥


9. Call Down the Hawk
november 5th, 2019

I know I keep saying this, but dammit, there had better be some solid domestic Pynch cuteness.


10. The Queen of Nothing
november 19th, 2019

I am SO DAMN READY to see how this all goes down. I have theories.

Are any of my picks on your most anticipated list, too?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I just heard about His Hideous Heart earlier today and the concept seems really good, though I hope that it is amazingly well executed. I typically don’t read short stories either.

    1. Queen of Nothing is on my list this week. I still have to read Maggie Stiefvater’s books. Maybe I’ll get to The Raven Boys this summer.

    1. Queen of Nothing is the only one I also have on my list. My most anticipated is probably There Will Come a Darkness. I am a totally fantasy GEEK tho

    1. Ooh i cant wait for darkdawn, call down the hawk and queen of nothing (and so many more!)
      Great list 🙂

    1. Great list! The Queen of Nothing made my list this week, too, and somehow Laughter at the Academy has passed me by – that’s going straight on my TBR!

    1. DESTINY!! Did you see Maggie put the first 8 chapters of Call Down the Hawk on Scrib’d?! THEY’RE AMAZING. ??? (<– This is me crying because now I need to rest of the book even more)

    1. Echoes sounds like it will be right up my alley! I love ghost stories.
      My TTT.

    1. Full Throttle and Hex Life made my list this week as well. I LOVE Seanan McGuire so I definitely want to read that one. I featured Echos on a Can’t Wait Wednesday post eons ago. I’m really excited for that one!

    1. Great post!! I only just found out Queen of Nothing was coming out in NOVEMBER and now I’m FREAKING!!!

    1. This is the second time I’ve seen Hex Life and I am very intrigued by it. That coupled with His Hideous Heart just reminds me how great short horror stories can be. I need to put these both on my October TBR. Hope you enjoy all these!

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