Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)
It works like this:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
- Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!
Current “to-read” shelf: 1,040 titles
BOOKS 261-265:
Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods by Hal Johnson – added 12.28.16
I still like some middle grade horror, but it sounds like this one is geared a little younger than my tastes in MG books.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor – added 12.28.16
1) I am determined to try Laini’s writing this year, 2) I have a strong feeling I’ll love this series, and 3) I literally JUST bought this.
We Gon’ Be Alright: Notes on Race and Resegregation by Jeff Chang – added 12.28.16
This is an own-voice collection of essays on racism and diversity in America, which I’ll never pass up the opportunity to learn from.
Blood Plagues and Endless Raids by Anthony R. Palumbi – added 12.28.16
I love learning about the lore and world of WoW, but this doesn’t really seem like what I’m looking for, as it’s more so the stories of players of the game.
Scott Pilgrim, Vol 3 by Bryan Lee O’Malley – added 12.31.16
I thought the first volume was cute, but I kind of hated the second one enough that I don’t really want to continue the series. I like the movie a lot better, honestly. *hides from pitchforks*
BOOKS 266-270:
Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley – added 12.31.16
I honestly just added this because the cover was so pretty, and it was an f/f romance at a time when I was new to returning to the YA genre and didn’t realize there were so many good LGBTQ+ releases coming out! Now, I’m looking at reviews from friends and people I trust, and it seems like most of them either DNFed this or gave it 3 or less stars, so I’m gonna trust them on this one.
This is Our Story by Ashley Elston – added 12.31.16
You guys probably already know I’m reeeeaaaally picky about mystery novels. Especially in the YA age range. This cover is gorgeous, but…
The Living Dead by John Joseph Adams – added 12.31.16
I mostly bought this zombie anthology because it was on sale for a dollar and it has a Joe Hill story in it, but that’s good enough for me.
Illidan by William King – added 12.31.16
I would eventually really like to read some of the WoW books, but 1) I don’t think it’ll happen soon, and 2) This is #14 in the “series”. Where were the first 13 when I added this to my TBR?
Revenge by Yoko Ogawa – added 01.01.17 (whoa! hello, 2017!)
I’ve been wanting to read more multi-cultural horror, as I’m a strong believer that each culture has its own spin on the horror genre. I’ve yet to read any Japanese horror, but I’m very fond of the take that comes across in Japanese horror films, so I’m going to keep this little anthology.
BOOKS 271-275:
As Old As Time by Liz Braswell – added 01.01.17
I’m honestly a little hesitant of this synopsis – it’s basically the same story as BatB, except Belle’s mother was the enchantress – but I won it in a giveaway, so I figure I might as well give it a try?
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs – added 01.01.17
I don’t have a clue as to what this book is, who this author is, or why it’s on my TBR. It’s about a coyote shapeshifter, and PNR is not a favorite genre of mine.
Graceling by Kristin Cashore – added 01.01.17
Literally nothing about this synopsis interests me. I think I might’ve just missed the right time frame for this one.
The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury – added 01.01.17
This sounds way too similar to a high fantasy take on Shatter Me?
The Shadow Girl by John Larkin – added 01.01.17
A YA contemporary, based on true events, about a homeless girl who… I dunno. Does things? Survives? I don’t mean to sound callous, because I know that’s a really tragic thought in real life, but for a book plot, it feels lackluster.
BOOKS 276-280:
The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud – added 01.01.17
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I just know I’m going to love this MG ghost-hunting series.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead – added 01.01.17
I’ve talked about this book enough lately. You guys already know, must read list, blah blah blah.
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead – added 01.01.17
I don’t really know why this is here – I just know it’s another vampire-themed series from Richelle Mead? I’m gonna go ahead and remove it until I know if I even like her writing. One series at a time, Destiny…
My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxandra Harvey – added 01.01.17
Eh… More YA vampires. I want to be optimistic, but really, the chances of me ever getting around to this are slim.
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence – added 01.01.17
Don’t get me wrong, I really want to check out Mark’s writing, but I’m actually planning on starting my Mark Lawrence experience with Red Sister, so we’ll take this one off for now.
February 25, 2018I hope you like Vampire Academy. Bloodlines starts up after VA ends. It’s not as good as VA in my opinion, but I still liked all of them. I’m a huge Adrian fan, so I had to continue with the series he was in more.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Thank you! I was wondering if they were connected!
February 27, 2018I guess it’s a spinoff series. Bloodlines follows different characters from Vampire Academy, but you do see some of the main ones come back a bit, too.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 3, 2018Oooooh, okay! That makes sense. Well, if I do enjoy the VA series enough to read it all the way through, I’ll have to remember to pick that one up after it!
Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
February 25, 2018I still have Graceling and the Sin Eater’s Daughter on my tbr.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Let me know, if you read them soon, what you thought of them! 🙂
February 25, 2018I rarely do this, but recently made a note (an actual hand written one) for myself to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone in March… still no guarantee, but i feel like i’m getting there…
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Ooooh, good luck, lovely! I won’t get to it in March but I think I might save it for this summer. I plan on reading a lot of “throwback” titles this summer and I think DoSaB came out several years ago, so it’ll fit the bill!
February 25, 2018I read the whole Scott Pilgrim series and wasn’t the biggest fan and mostly finished it just because it’s so popular, so don’t feel bad for not reading book 3.
Also, I totally support your decision to remove Our Own Private Universe, it’s totally not worth the time it takes to get through it.
I’m so glad you kept The Screaming Staircase, it’s soo good!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Ah, that makes me feel so much better about not continuing the Scott Pilgrim series, lol! Thank you for that! I feel so validated about both it and OOPU, haha.
Ooh, I’m honestly really excited to start the Lockwood & Co series. I heard it’s precious and creepy!
February 25, 2018So glad I’m not the only one who isn’t interesting in Graceling. I feel like so many people love it!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Same, Megan! I know it’s widely beloved, but it just doesn’t sound interesting to me at all! 🙁
February 25, 2018I actually really enjoyed Graceling. Especially the first book. I recommend adding it again.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Thanks, Sabrina! Maybe I’ll give it a second look some time soon! 🙂
February 25, 2018As Old As Time looks super neat! I love re-tellings.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018I do, too! I hope it’s as cool as it sounds. 🙂 It’s part of a whole series of stand-alone Disney re-tellings. Here’s a link to the series listing on GR if you wanna see the rest:
February 27, 2018Thank you! I’ll definitely check that out!
February 25, 2018YAY VAMPIRE ACADEMY
ultimate guilty pleasure series
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018Yaaaaaay! It’s being set aside for my summer throwback/”let me finally read all the shit I forgot to read as a kid” TBR.
February 25, 2018I really liked Graceling. I have a physical copy of Prince of Thorns and it is one my short list TBR but I probably won’t get to it any time soon. I also really want to read Red Sister and I didn’t realize they were by the same author.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
February 27, 2018I might have to give Graceling a second look some time! 🙂 And yes, Red Sister is the first book in his current series! I actually ordered Red Sister from Barnes & Noble a couple of days ago and it should be here this week, so I’m hoping to get to it soon.
February 27, 2018Just in case this changes your mind at all, the Mercy Thompson books (Moon Called) aren’t really paranormal romance. There is a slow burn romantic subplot, but for me it was definitely secondary while the primary is Mercy being an awesome badass. I would classify it as urban fantasy instead of paranormal romance, though I usually find them put with the para romance in bookstores.
That being said, it’s still not for everyone. The series is at book ten with no signs of slowing down, which makes me super happy, but some folks don’t like the longer series. It’s also not own voices Native American rep, and though it seems to me like it’s handled really respectfully, I’m a white reader who might be missing things.
This is the series that made me realize I love urban fantasy, and if it’s a genre you’re interested in I might recommend checking it out one day.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 3, 2018That actually sounds really cool. Dammit! Back on my TBR it goes. 😛 Thank you for telling me, though! I was under the impression that they were just generic PNR, so knowing that it’s more so urban fantasy makes it sound more up my alley.
March 3, 2018Because it’s shelved with PNR I thought that’s what all PNR would be like! It took me a while to figure out it was the UF subgenre that I actually liked, not PNR.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 3, 2018Right, same! I thought I loved PNR as a teen, but as I get older, I’ve realized it’s UF I like, too – not PNR, really.
Plot Monster
March 1, 2018Graceling was okay. Probably wouldnt reread. Good clean out this week.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
March 3, 2018Thank you! <3 So many people have said I should check out Graceling that it feels validating for someone to say they agree with my decision to remove it, haha.
Plot Monster
March 3, 2018I kept hearing how it was the greatest novel ever and when I read it I liked it but definitely would not put it in the “greatest ever” category.