Down the TBR Hole #21

March 11, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 1,044 titles

BOOKS 301-305:


Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer – added 01.03.17
This doesn’t sound like anything special, and I’m pretty sure the only reason I had it on here to begin with was the cover. :/

Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark – added 01.03.17
I just… really don’t have any time in my reading schedule for YA contemporaries that sound as boring as this one does.

The Twilight Wife by A. J. Banner – added 01.03.17
Why do I keep adding domestic thrillers to my TBR when I know I don’t wanna read them?

Poison’s Kiss by Breeana Shields – added 01.03.17
I feel like there are so many books out there about girls whose kisses poison people, and this isn’t at the top of that list.

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill – added 01.03.17
Not sure why this one is here, as I’ve never had any notable interest in it?

BOOKS 306-310:


The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord – added 01.03.17
I’m really torn on this one, because as I’ve mentioned in past posts, I know Emery Lord is widely loved, but her book summaries always sound so boring and lackluster to me? Ugh. I’ll let you guys decide this one! Keep or remove?
DECISION: KEEP (for now)

Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight – added 01.03.17
I went through a period of time last year in which I thought I’d start reading ironic self-help books. That phase lasted about three days.

The Wish Granter by C. J. Redwine – added 01.05.17
I feel like this author is super low-hype, and nobody ever talks about these books, but for some reason, they really intrigue me? I have this one on ebook already, and kind of hope I like it just so I have an excuse to buy it because its cover is gorgeous.

The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine – added 01.05.17
See previous book’s explanation, except I have a hardback of this one, so, like… even more incentive to read it?

The End of Our Story by Meg Haston – added 01.05.17
After the complete disaster that Meg’s book Paperweight was, I wouldn’t touch this with a nine-foot-pole.

BOOKS 311-315:


Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau – added 01.05.17
This doesn’t sound too thrilling, but I have it on my kindle, so while it’s at the bottom of my list, I’ll leave it for now.

Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson – added 01.05.17
I have been promised that this book will destroy me from here to kingdom come, and I’m here for that.

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon – added 01.05.17
I know this is actually a surprisingly polarizing read, but I’m determined to check it out for myself and form my own opinions!

History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera – added 01.05.17
If there is ever a day that you guys see me remove an Adam Silvera book from my TBR, please check me for a fever.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo – added 01.05.17
If there is ever a day that you guys see me remove a Leigh Bardugo book from my TBR, please check me for a fever.

BOOKS 316-320:


Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige – added 01.06.17
I don’t like The Wizard of Oz… or retellings of it…

Rhapsodic by Laura Thalassa – added 01.08.17
I. LOVE. SIRENS. AND. FAE. That’s all.

The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman – added 01.09.17
I actually remember adding this because someone on facebook recommended it to me, but it must not have struck my interest very well since I never pursued it and don’t really want to now, either.

I’m Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl by Gretchen McNeil – added 01.09.17
I’m told that this author usually sticks to horror, and judging from her books’ summaries, I might be a little more likely to try out one of those titles, but this doesn’t interest me at all.

The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma – added 01.12.17
This one just sounded really interesting to me when I first heard of it, and even though it’s a YA mystery and those tend to be hit-and-miss for me, I think I’d like to check it out at some point.




More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I’m a big Alice Hoffman fan and I loved Museum, it’s a little magic realism and lots of history. I say put it back, but that’s just me!

      1. Thank you, Ashley! That makes me feel a little better about removing it, honestly. I know some retellings don’t require enjoying the source material, but I just never got into any of the Oz stuff, so now I know this one won’t be for me. <3

    1. Read When Dimple Met Rishi and I felt it was waaaay too predictable, to me at least. So I’m definitely curious to see what you think of it. As for Six of Crows: whoooop. Read it! I still have to read the Grisha-trilogy.. Oops.

      1. Ughhh, oh no! I’m sure I’ll save it for a summer day when I’m in the mood to just binge read a contemporary, for better or worse, lmao. (I have a lot of days like that in the summer.) You should check out the Grisha trilogy! I would love to hear your thoughts on the love interest, tbh. 😛

        1. If you’re totally in the mood to read a quick one, maybe it’ll turn out okay for you, haha. 😛
          I bought it like last week and it arrived yesterday! One of these.. days.. months? I don’t know. We’ll see xD

          1. Bahaha I mean, it’s not flawless. I wouldn’t say you should move it to the top of your TBR or anything like that. But I do think it’s worth reading at some point! I gave the first 2 books 3 stars each, I think? So far, I feel like I’ll give the finale 4 stars.

            1. Ha, people should stand on their heads for over an hour before they can convince me to push a book so far up my TBR. xD Especially now with the reading I have to do for that author meet. 😛
              Hmm.. Well, I’ll see when I get there! I hope I’ll get there this year since it’ll equal four books ticked off my TBR at the same time – Language of Thorns and all.. :’)

            1. Oof, yeah, I promise to try not to push too many books on you being like “READ IT NOOOOW PLEEEEEASE!” until at least a week or two after your author meeting. 😉

            1. Obsidio legit wrecked my reading goals for March! I’ve been in a serious hangover ever since finishing it, until I started Circe 2 days ago. It’s kind of amazing and kick started me back into reading mode, and then today I read all of Down Among the Sticks and Bones, which. <3 Seanan McGuire ALWAYS helps me get over book hangovers.

            1. LIFE. SLUMP. LIFE SLUMP I TELL YOU. I’m whining all over the place because of freaking Obsidio and I love that book but I’m so freaking hating it right now as well. It ruined my mojo. NOTHING EVER RUINS MY READING MOJO BUT OBSIDIO DID.
              I need a cure but I can’t find ooooneeee. So jealous you did. Not fair. I want one too. Boo.

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