The Goodreads Book Tag

June 26, 2017

Thank you so much to Heather over at The Sassy Book Geek for tagging me in this one! She’s got a fantastic blog and had some really fun answers for this one, so make sure to go check out her blog, too!

1. What was the last book you marked as “read”?


Aftercare Instructions by Bonnie Pipkin (review here!). This was an ARC I was mailed by the publicist a couple of months ago, but somehow kept forgetting to get around to reading until this past week, when I finally picked it up… and ended up inhaling it in one day. It was a really solid, heavy (but not too heavy) contemporary about grief, healing, and making our own choices, and I really thoroughly enjoyed it.

2. What was the last book you marked as “TBR”?


New World: Rising by Jennifer Wilson. I added this one to my TBR a few days ago, though I’d heard about it a month or two back. It sounded really intriguing, and when I won a copy of it from a friend’s giveaway recently, it reminded me to add it to my Goodreads shelf!

3. What book do you plan to read next?


The Disappearances by Emily Bain Murphy. This one sounds really exciting, plus I’m on a mission lately to complete all of my ARC readings and reviews before they release! This one releases on July 4th, so I don’t have much time left.

4. Do you use the star rating system?

Always! Even on the very rare occasions where I don’t review a book, I still make sure to give it a star rating. The only exception to the rule is if I DNF a book – then, I won’t give it a rating unless I read at least half of it, so I can feel confident that I’m giving it a fair chance.

5. Are you doing the 2017 reading challenge?

Yes, I am! I always try to make a goal for myself, but this year is the first time I’ve made a particularly ambitious one: 104 books! That’s 2 books a year, averaged out. So far I’ve read 71 books this year, which puts me roughly 20 books ahead of schedule. I’m hoping to stay ahead of schedule throughout the rest of summer, so that if I fall behind a little when fall semester begins, it won’t hurt my progress.

6. Do you have a wishlist?

I do! I have an Amazon wishlist, a BookOutlet wishlist, a BookDepository wishlist, and a GR shelf of books that I’ve already read and want to purchase a copy of (like library books I borrowed, e-ARCs, etc.).

7. Which book do you plan on buying next?


The blue UK edition of Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. I’ve heard nothing but good reviews on this book, and the UK edition is so gorgeous! It’ll also be my very first BookDepository purchase.

8. Do you have any favorite quotes? Share a few.

“My friend through many dangers. My lover who had healed my broken and weary soul. My mate who had waited for me against all hope, despite all odds.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

“Do you think it was destiny that brought us together?”
He squinted and, after a thoughtful moment, shook his head. “No. I’m pretty sure it was Cinder.”
Marissa Meyer, Cress

“I am frequently underestimated. I think it’s because I’m short.”
Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Illuminae

9. Who are your favorite authors?

I have too many, but I’ll list a few: Sarah J Maas, Marissa Meyer, Sarah Dessen, Joe Hill, Suzanne Collins, and Noelle Stevenson.

10. Have you joined any groups?

I joined a few, but I’m mostly just active in one, which is the group I admin called Forgotten YA Gems! We have bookish discussions and buddy reads, but primarily, our focus is that we vote on one group read per month – and the book has to be 5+ years old. It helps everyone clear out their backlogs or reread some old favorites! We read The Raven Boys in June, and for July, we’re reading Cinder. Feel free to come join in and say hello!


If I didn’t tag you, but you want to join in, feel free to tag yourself! If I did tag you but you’ve already done it or don’t feel up to this one, feel free to skip – no hard feelings. ❤


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Oooh, I’ve been wanting to read Strange the Dreamer so bad! I might follow in your footsteps and also get the UK edition, that is absolutely gorgeous.

    1. Yeah, you do stars! I just did a whole post about people not using stars. I need them, so thank you. I loved Aftercare Instructions. So good! Glad to see I am not the only one with lots of book wish lists. =)
      Sam @ WLABB

    1. It’s funny that with The Disappearances you say you’d like to read your ARCs before the release date because I have problems with this all the time! I try so hard to read and review before they come out and sometimes I just can’t do it!

      I also bought the UK edition of Strange the Dreamer because it’s so pretty, although I didn’t realize it was a special edition that had the blue edged pages so that bummed me out a little.

      Noelle Stevenson is amazing too even though the only book I’ve read is “Nimona” by her but it’s so amazing!

      Thanks for doing the tag, loved reading your answers! 🙂

      1. Same! I have a spreadsheet on my pc where I try to keep up with all of the release dates because I try to read them more or less in order – but lately I just want to read all of the ones that don’t come out until, y’know, October. lmao

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