The Weekly Wrap — October 21st, 2020

October 21, 2020

the weekly wrap

It’s time for another weekly update!

Two things today:

  1. I know, I haven’t posted a “weekly” wrap in almost 3 weeks… oops! We have a lot to cover today! (Lol not really… oof)
  2. I’ve moved weekly wrap-ups back to Wednesdays! (Mainly just because I wanted to start taking the entire weekend off again.)

on the blog

recent posts: coming soon:
favorite spooky covers
discussion: down-sizing & (mostly) leaving booktube
october ARC update
september wrap
favorite halloween-themed books
birthday post: books people associate with me
body talk (YA nonfiction review)
✨ tag thursday
✨ graphics-a-thon mini reviews
✨ october 2019 tbr/haul checkpoint
✨ top ten tuesday

divider_gold_oldnewcurrent reads

This might sound silly, but… for the time being, at least, I’ve decided to remove my “current reads” section. It’s just stressing me out too badly to see the same books in this section week after week without any progress and it’s making me feel worse about my reading slump, so I’m removing it until I can chip away at my current reads by a LOT.


just finished

❌ DNF | 🔁 re-read | 🎧 audiobook | 💻 kindle unlimited | ✨ review copy | 🍰 graphic novel | 📚 random pick | 🤗 buddy read

I did manage to read a few things for Graphics-a-thon, though!

junk boy
🍰 the bride was a boy ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍰 the demon prince of momochi house, vol. 2 ⭐⭐⭐
🍰 the way of the househusband, vol. 3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍰 mooncakes 🔁 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍰 diana: princess of the amazons ⭐⭐⭐
🍰 farmhand, vol. 1 🔁 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🍰 farmhand, vol. 2 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


up next

If I could just start reading regular novels again and not just graphic novels and manga, I’d be happy!


new review copies

🍰 graphic novel/manga | 📱 eARC | 🎧 ALC | 📖 print copy

I hadn’t updated my new ARC hauls in a little while, so technically these were all spread out over the last… 4 weeks, almost?

🍰 delicates
📱 a song for the end
📱 get it right
🍰 juliet takes a breath
📱 custom built
🍰 remina
📱 the intimacy experiment
📱 near the bone
📱 people we meet on vacation
📱 concrete rose
📖 across the green grass fields (READ – I read the eARC a few months back & was super lucky to get a print ARC this past week to add to my collection, too!)
📖 the worm and his kings


other obsessions

What’s this? I finally added something to this section?! Yeah, I’m back on my SDV bullshit, and I got this Friends of Mineral Town remake for my birthday and have been playing it nonstop!


life updates

It’s been a really wild, cool last few weeks. It hasn’t been all good — I had to send an email a few hours ago submitting my letter of resignation to the library because they’re re-opening to the public and I can’t risk myself or my family with multiple people in my home being high-risk — but even though that one thing is really sad and stress-inducing, a lot of other really awesome things have been happening.

3 good things I can focus on today:

  1. I became a Twitch affiliate on my birthday, last Friday!
  2. I’ve been having so much fun streaming and have really gotten into a groove with it where I feel more “at home” streaming than I ever did with bookstagram or booktube
  3. I got some really exciting book gifts for my birthday that I can’t wait to read 😀

Feel free to focus on the good stuff with me in the comments! What are 3 good things (or even 1 thing) you can focus on today?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Enjoy your reading! Looks like you red quite some good graphic novels!


    1. I know what you mean about current reads stressing you out, I add my months reads to my currently reading Goodreads shelf and it gives me a panic every time I look at it. I need to stop doing that!

    1. Sea of Thieves looks really neat! I feel you on the reading rut. I just finally got my reading mood back (who knows how long it’ll last *sobs) and I’m still hesitant to talk about current reads for the most part since it only sticks around for 0.2467 seconds haha. Wishing you a lovely week ahead, Destiny!

    1. Yes to giving yourself weekends! And hiding current reads (I have a few ongoing books that I keep on my bedside but don’t log anywhere). And congrats with the Twitch streaming! That is so great and I need to add you even if I don’t jump on very often.

      (Also I owe you a Discord DM and I am getting to it. Just life, ugh) Happy reading xx

    1. Always happy to see manga being read!

      I had no idea Sheets was going to be a series. I wonder if that would change my opinion of the first volume.

      Juliet Takes a Breath is one of my favorite books of all time!

      Ummm, I play ACNH every day. I’m going to need you to come visit my island when I’m done with the current reno!

      And you’re streaming! Excellent! I need to follow you asap.

      3 good things to focus on today: spent time with all of the loves of my life, read a book, and now I’m here reading your words <3

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