Biweekly Check-in: very little reading, but a whole lotta gaming

July 6, 2024

It’s time for a biweekly check-in!

life update

I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks since I posted one of these because it feels like so much longer! It’s been a really busy past couple of weeks. If you read my last check-in or follow me on Instagram, you already know I finally got to meet my best friend in person a couple of weekends ago — and it was so wonderful! We had so much fun and got to spend a good chunk of the weekend together. I can’t wait for the next time we get to meet up and I’m so grateful that this community brought such a wonderful human being into my life! 🥰

Otherwise, there were some other big updates, like Isaac turning 8 years old and having his first (very successful) birthday party! A bunch of his little friends showed up and he was the most gracious little host. It was so sweet!

Mostly, I’ve been spending a LOT of time working and gaming lately. I finally seem to have gotten over the gaming rut I’ve been in for the past year or two, and I’ve been playing video games nonstop (mostly cozy stuff and spooky hidden object games). I’m not reading much, but the video games have been making up for that a bit. I’ve given up on fighting the slump and am now just reading when I can and trying not to obsess over it. It’ll pass sooner or later (hopefully sooner).

just finishedLike I said, I haven’t read very much in the past couple of weeks. My Phoenix Unbound re-read with Misty was great, but Hitched wasn’t nearly as much fun as the hype led me to hope it would be.

📚 current reads 📚

Yep, that’s right… FIFTEEN current reads. 🫠 Aaaand this is why my biggest July goal is just to get my currently reading list down a bit, lol. I can’t bring myself to DNF or even set any of these aside because I’m genuinely into all of them! I just need to finish stuff before starting anything new.

and everything else

I did it.

After weeks (months? idk) of fighting it and telling myself, “No, Destiny, you do NOT need another cozy gaming obsession!”… I finally installed Palia. 😂 And it is glorious, and I’m glad I finally listened to you all. If anyone plays and can tell me how to add friends in-game, let me know!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Aww so happy you finally met her and the birthday party went well ?

      Omg xD so many books at once!! Here I am struggling to read more than one, ahah

    1. I love that you were able to meet Malli in person for the first time and I’m so glad Isaac’s first birthday party went so well. 15 books is a lot of books. I was stressing out when I had 6 on the go not that long ago so I can only imagine how having 15 going makes you feel. Maybe you should just pick one book maybe the one you’re furthest into and read it and once you finish it repeat that step over and over again.

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