Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s prompt was meant to be 4th of July themed, but without getting into any heavy politics, I’ll just say that I, like many others, am not feeling particularly patriotic this year. So, instead, I decided to do the most random list I could think of: 10 books on my shopping list for after my book ban ends! (I mean, I don’t think I’ll buy all of these, but some of them, I’m sure.)
What I need you guys to do is to let me know if you’ve read any of these, and if you recommend them or not!
1. The Death of Mrs. Westaway — Ruth Ware
Realistically, I should probably read at least one of the Ruth Ware books I already own before I buy this one, but I cannot even describe how much this sounds like a 5-star read for me.
2. Walking Alone: Short Stories — Bentley Little
Bentley Little used to be one of my favorite horror authors! While he’s fallen on my list a bit in recent years, I definitely gotta get this new anthology he just released.
3. Into the Drowning Deep — Mira Grant
I technically have this on my kindle, I think, but… well, I really like the way it looks, and the Mira Grant hardcovers often tend to go out of print after a little while, so I want to grab this while I can (just in case!).
4. Malice — John Gwynne
I posted about this on twitter a couple of nights ago, but I feel like most bookworms have that one particular book that jumps out at them every time they see it in a bookstore, yet they never actually BUY… and this is mine. So, I’m finally going to do it!
5. Brother — Ania Ahlborn
I’ve been wanting to try Ania’s work, so when I recently polled the members of a horror book group I’m in, this one came incredibly highly recommended for my introduction to her work.
6. One True Loves — Taylor Jenkins Reid
I adored The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo so much that I’ve absolutely gotta read more from TJR, and this title in particular comes pretty highly recommended!
7. He Said/She Said — Erin Kelly
I put this on my TBR ages ago but forgot about it until coming across it while doing a Down the TBR Hole post recently, and it sounds like an incredibly unique thriller.
8. Want — Cindy Pon
I’ve been wanting to buy this for ages anyways, but after how much I loved Cindy’s story in A Thousand Beginnings and Endings, I have to get it ASAP!
9. Far From You — Tess Sharpe
This is a YA mystery, and we all know I’m picky about them, but I am hearing such good things about this book even now, 3 years after its release, so it’s on my radar for sure.
10. Neverworld Wake — Marisha Pessl
This is a YA thriller about teens who have an accident and find out that they’re in a place called the Neverworld Wake, where they must come to a cohesive decision on which one of them is allowed to live. It sounds super dark and interesting (and THAT COVER!).
What do you think – have you read any of these, and if so, do you recommend them?
July 3, 2018I hope you manage to get your hands on these when your book ban ends! They certainly look good. 🙂
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Thank you, Chrissi, I hope so too! I’m gonna try not to place some huge order when my ban ends, lol
July 3, 2018Into the Drowning Deep is so good!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018It sounds incredible! I feel like I would read her grocery lists, at this point.
July 3, 2018Neverworld Wake sounds amazing! I also loved Pon’s story from ATBAE so I will have to check out Want! I hope you get all the books you are looking for!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Wasn’t her story in that anthology incredible?! It made me so excited to read more from her. And thank you!
July 3, 2018I actually haven’t read any of these. I don’t even own any of these haha. But I am curious about Want and Malice.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018They both sound really good! A lot of my adult fantasy/grimdark loving friends are swearing by Malice.
Kathy @ Books & Munches
July 3, 2018The only one on my TBR from these books is He Said/She Said. And, obvioulsy since it’s on my TBR I haven’t read it yet, haha. :’) Nice going for being able to create a list like this and not immediately hopping on any site to see how much the load would cost. I’d so do that. Yup. No doubt about it.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Hopefully we’ll both like it! And LMAO. I was tempted, trust me. I’m just really funny about book bans. If I just think to myself that I should go on one, I fail SO HARD, but if I actually post on my blog or social media about it, I’ll stick to it pretty well!
Lauren Becker
July 3, 2018I have not read any of these BUT I also really want to read One True Loves, Into the Drowning Deep, and Neverworld Wake (I read Night Film by this author and really enjoyed it!)
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018I still need to read Night Film, too! I actually had kept her books off of my TBR for a long time because a former friend hated her writing and I let it bias me, but I finally realized that all of my other friends seemed to love her, so I decided to give her writing a try! I got Night Film in a trade last month. 🙂
Victoria @ Rocky Reads
July 3, 2018Ah, the lovely book ban. It’s so great when it’s over haha! I’ve heard a lot about Neverworld Wake. I hope you enjoy it when you’re able to get it!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Haha yes it is, Victoria! Though, when mine ends at the end of August, I think I will only be setting myself a predetermined budget for one order, and then going back on a ban for a few more months. And thank you, a friend actually just sent me a copy so I’m very excited to read it!
Victoria @ The Contented Reader
July 8, 2018That’s actually a really good idea! That’s wonderful, enjoy it!
Laura Beth
July 3, 2018I loved The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware, so I look forward to reading more from her!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Awesome, I just got that one in a trade last month! 😀
Cheryl Malandrinos
July 3, 2018Can’t say I’ve heard of these until now, but The Death of Mrs. Westaway and Brother both caught my eye. I’m sorry you’re not feeling very patriotic this year. Let’s all hope for better days ahead.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Thank you, Cheryl – same to you! Happy reading!
July 3, 2018My husband, who isn’t a reader, has Malice on his nightstand, and has been “reading” it for well over a year. He’s literally on the last 100 pages and can’t bring himself to finish it but he says it’s GOOD and he doesn’t want it to end! LOL
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018BAHAHAHAH I love it! That’s hilarious. I actually get like that with books sometimes (not often).
Lisa @ Captivated Reader
July 3, 2018I’ve not read any of the books on your list, so can’t recommend any of them.
Here’s a link to my TTT post of this week:
July 3, 2018Ohh, Malice just got on my to-buy list recently, it sounds so good.
How long is your book ban? I never can hold out more than 1-2 month.
My list:
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018It really does sound so good! My ban is until the end of August. That said, I’m actually thinking about ordering a few things when it ends and then going back on a ban until the end of the year.
July 7, 2018Good for you! I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself 🙂
Brooke Lorren (@Brookelorren)
July 3, 2018These books are all new to me. Hope you enjoy them after your book buying ban is over.
I don’t have a book buying ban right now, but I do have a lot of books from the library that I have to read before they’re due… so no need to buy books at the moment myself as well.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Thank you, Brooke! Oh yeah, library books will get you every time! 🙂 I have a few of those I need to knock out right now, too.
Aymee (@asphaltcowgrrl)
July 3, 2018Yeah… I can’t blame you for avoiding a patriotic theme right now. BUT that Ruth Ware book looks so good! I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 7, 2018Hahaha thank you for understanding me! ♥ And yeah, it sounds amazing!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
July 3, 2018I’m not feeling patriotic, either, so I like your list. I hope you enjoy all these when you’re able to get them!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 8, 2018Thank you, I’m glad I’m not alone. Happy reading!
Jane the Raincity Librarian
July 4, 2018Yeah…I can understand how you feel….thank goodness there are books to help us cope with stressful times!!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 8, 2018Exactly! They’re honestly a great form of escapism from the awful things going on in the world.
Elise @thebookishactress
July 6, 2018Far From You, Into the Drowning Deep, & He Said/She Said are all great!! I was kind of eh on Want? but I think it might be more your thing – it’s just very action-movie for my taste
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 8, 2018I’m super excited for all of those! And sorry you didn’t totally love Want – fingers crossed I’ll have good luck whenever I get around to picking it up!
Elise @thebookishactress
July 8, 2018I hope you enjoy it more, and all the rest too!
Lauren @ Always Me
July 9, 2018The Death of Mrs. Westaway, Want, and Neverworld Wake are all excellent! 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
July 9, 2018Awesome, I’m so glad to hear that! 😀 A friend ended up sending me Neverworld Wake as a gift which was so kind, so now I just have to grab the other two you named!