It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!
WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
What I’m currently reading:
I missed last week’s WWW post because I haven’t been reading a lot lately, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by all the things I want to do to catch up on my bookish goals, and I was feeling really demotivated, to be honest! I started to write this post last week and realized I didn’t even have the energy to post an update. (And then I forgot to schedule it for Wednesday, so it’s an extra day late lol)
I’m feeling a lot better this week, though! I started a new mental health medication about a week and a half ago, and I think a lot of my demotivation last week was stemming from side effects and generally not feeling very well, but I think I’m ready to get back into the swing of things.
I definitely have more current reads than I would like to at the moment, but I’m not yet interested in setting any of these aside for later because I’m genuinely enjoying them all. I thought for a long time that my problem was too many current reads, but maybe a bigger element is that I’m putting too much pressure on myself to finish books quickly instead of just recognizing that sometimes, a book is going to sit on my currently-reading stack for a little while, and that’s okay! I’ll get there when I get there.
- the shadow of the gods // john gwynne → 11%, last updated Jan 20th
- vespertine // margaret rogerson → 20%, last updated Feb 12th
- a court of silver flames // sarah j. maas → 6%, last updated March 2nd
- in darkness, delight: fear the future // andrew lennon & evans light → 33%, last updated March 9th
- delilah green doesn’t care // ashley herring blake → 9%, last updated March 17th
- tryst six venom // penelope douglas → 17%, last updated March 28th
What I recently finished:
I didn’t do a whole lot of reading over the past two weeks, between the new meds, a LOT of time playing video games with my spouse and kiddo, and too much social media. 😅
- gallant // v.e. schwab
I loved this even more than I expected to. - dead silence // s.a. barnes
This was one of my most anticipated 2022 releases, and I’m so glad I finally got over my own apprehension about my self-built hype for it and dove back in, because it did NOT disappoint! - damaged goods // talia hibbert
A re-read I enjoyed SO much. ♥ - fix her up // tessa bailey (DNF)
This was my first attempt at a Tessa Bailey book, and sadly, I DNFed it around the halfway mark because I couldn’t stand the hero. - the taking of jake livingston // ryan douglass (DNF)
Another DNF. The writing in this was sadly just… not enjoyable at all.
What I’ll read next:
My only real goal for the coming week is to work on current reads enough to start a few buddy reads I’m looking forward to!
What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!
— destiny ♥
March 31, 2022Enjoy your reading!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 1, 2022Thank you Evelyn, I hope your reading is going well and I can’t wait for our buddy read!!
March 31, 2022I HATED Fix Her Up. It was just dreadful- I consider it the worst book I read in 2019. But I did enjoy a Tessa Bailey Christmas stand-alone called Window Dressing.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 1, 2022Oh noooo, worst book of 2019?! That’s really bad! ? I’m glad I DNFed it now! I’m glad you liked the Christmas book, though, because I really wanted to check that out later this year!
April 1, 2022I’m glad you loved Dead Silence, such a creepy story! And it did not go where I thought it would?
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 1, 2022Right?! It was so good, and same, I wasn’t really expecting that ending but I liked it! I thought it was well-done. 🙂
Books Teacup and Reviews
April 1, 2022I felt some part of jake livingston were confusing but I like the concept. Happy reading!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 1, 2022I agree, some elements were surprisingly confusing to me! Thank you, happy reading to you too!
Teri Polen
April 1, 2022Dead Silence and Gallant are on my list. Happy Reading!
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 1, 2022I hope you like them both! 😀 Happy reading!
Kayla @ Books and Blends
April 4, 2022Tess Bailey’s self published books are so much better than her traditionally published ones.
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
April 6, 2022Ooooh really?! Okay, I’ll keep that in mind and try one of her self published books! Is there one in particular you recommend the most?
Kayla @ Books and Blends
April 10, 2022Follow is my absolute favorite!